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Everything posted by STARSNBARS

  1. MC.....Eye wood like vurry vurry much two bee inn tha cabnutt........IF......Dolly wood let me sang tha Kinny Rogurs parts two thair doo-etts.... "Eyelunds inn tha streem......thait iz whut we ere"
  2. Eye cain say this rite now....Othur thain Dolly......MC shood bee tha knew mayur inn Seeveervul.....
  3. Thay's a lott....a lott ov troof inn thait staitmint.....
  4. MC......sangin iz jist seccundairy.....Lookin' att Dolly upp clost iz goodurer....
  5. Eye'll problee see hit frum tha viztors stainds az use' ull....
  6. Knott neer az much az Mairvul's 14 yeer winn streek onn Alcoee's feeled....
  7. MC problee sum ov tha goodurust viddy-o inn tha coact T histree.....
  8. MC.......Good ole Mr. Tucker.....He stayed all nite and Oppee got two sleap onn tha arnin' bored.....
  9. and annuver Strawburry Planes driver.....Sam Vaulton......
  10. Alcoeesportsfan evurthang's jist a mimree.....And eye haiv gott a tun ov gooderun's agin Alcoee......Plus ewe down't knead a stinkin' jet two git a cannon ere two frum Strawburry Planes.......
  11. MC eye like hit when'st ewe tawlk abowt Dolly...... And LOL att 1OldClown.....
  12. Yeah tha wuz tha time rite beefour Mairvul runned oft 7 strait.....
  13. Eye'd allsew bee rite inn sayin' Alcoee aint won att hoam agin Mairvul inn 14 yares.....
  14. Eye liked tha 12th playur tha "A" teem haid inn 2020......And 4 strait....???.......Evun tha strippers coodun't keap Mairvl fer rushin' fer 250 inn 2019 and Alcoee haid like 50 yards rushin'.......C'mon Alcoeesportsfan.....
  15. Alcoeesportsfan we ere gonna haiv two due sumthin two offset tha linesman thait cawled tha holdin' onn Gage's run inside tha 10 onn Mairvul's necks two laist offensive serries and tha facemacks cawl onn Mairvul onn Alcoee's laist TD drive.....And eye ant sayin' nuthin abowt hiz cawl agin West onn tha sidelines agin tha Alcoee QB.........
  16. Ok fellers and rw87 ....Thiz iz tha Sprang Brake outlook fer tha Littull Fellurs frum 825 az eye seas hit.... 1. We's gots two git tha best playurs onn tha feeled az much az we cain this yeer 2. We absalutelee gotta emproove our backend play onn D......Gotta bee betterur coverurs and tacklurs inn space c. Yung playur deevelopemint weal bee vurry vurry empoortunt this sprang 4. Hoo weal bee tha big surprizes this yeer...??? e. And tha big red ellyfunt inn tha rume iz hoo weal bee beehind tha centur att Hairatige...??? Pee Ess.....A Sprang Brake ov tha paist when'st eye hawled my boogee bored onn top ov ole Nellie two tha beech......Hit wuz purtee cold thait mornin' and eye gott two eggsited when'st eye saw tha waves.....
  17. Goodur luck two tha knew corch at GB......Glenfromgreenback sed let's see whut happens....All ewe cain do now.....Go Corch Rail.....!!!
  18. Eye ain't nevur "cram"med ennythang little brother buddee.....
  19. Just saw this BPM......Prayers for the family, friends and all concerned....God Bless.....
  20. Yur jist so humbull BCsportsfan......Alcoeesportsfan.....
  21. Eye allreddy sed eye aint wurried abowt no stinkin' skools rankins....Eye like beein tachnicull and tacknicull skools....Eye am wurried abowt tha numburrs onn tha scorrbored att Ceedur Street endzoan.....*This iz jist two reepete whut eye sed.....Sum ov ewe'uns haz a hard time reedin'.....
  22. Fellers and rw87.....Eye'm much moore ennurustid inn tha numburrs onn tha knew scorrbored thay iz puttin' upp att the Ceedur St. endzoan, thain thes numburrs.....jmo.... https://www.niche.com/k12/search/best-school-districts/s/tennessee/
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