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Posts posted by mkhhawk

  1. Why the revenge against Waverly?? Waverly lost 9 seniors and will be in a serious rebuilding mode. Were you referring to the opening game blowout or the region tourney loss? Lewis County's win against Waverly at Hohenwald was a lowpoint in the Tiger's season.

  2. I'm curious...How many of you prognosticators have actually seen both Lewis County and Riverside play in person? We have people here from Camden making predictions, and Camden hasn't played either team yet. The Riverside posters have pretty much surrendered to the belief that they are going to get eviscerated by Camden in a couple of weeks, and the Lewis County game is their only hope of ever seeing the second round of the playoffs.

    What are you guys basing your predictions on?

    History? Neither Camden nor Riverside have turned the Tennessee high school football world on its ear with their dazzling record of consistantly winning in the post season.

    Geograpical superiority? Over the past 10 years, Middle and East Tennesse have dominated West Tennessee in the Clinic Bowl in 1A through 5A.

    Vegas? I know that the bookmakers are VERY interested in these games.


    Just let the players play and let the coaches coach...then all of us Monday-morning-quarterbacks can come here after the games and disect the gameplans, make excuses, and blame the refs 'till our hearts' content.


    Being a Waverly fan, I have watched both of these teams play in the past two weeks. It should be a good football game. Overall, I feel that Riverside has the better team. Riverside has more options on offense and their hard hitting and swarming defense should keep Lewis County in check. However, Lewis County has the advantage of playing at home and look for them to either block a Riverside punt or obtain some excellent field position due to Riverside's poor punting game. In a low scoring game, this could be a big factor. Good luck to both of these fine football programs.

  3. who is going to tell me the person that trashed the Houston County PA announcer last week from Waverly. Seems to me if Waverly worried as much as what happens on the field instead of off, they might have a little better record.


    It wasn't me who "trashed" the PA announcer in a previous post. But it could have been, or anyone else who was at the game. Show some professionalism or get a different announcer. First time may have been an accident, second time, I don't think so. And I've read posts from other teams having the same complaint.

    I would like to thank the Houston County administration though for allowing us to eat our concession stand purchases in the stands. Will this policy carry over to the basketball season? Or will I still be required to drink my bottled water outside the gymnasium?

  4. I think it's going to be a very nice homecoming for Riverside.


    Last 3 games for Riverside...


    vs Richland > scored 35 points

    vs Houston Co > scored 35 points

    vs Adamsville > scored 47 points


    These boys are on a roll!



    Just comparing scores, Waverly appears to be in trouble. Richland soundly beat Waverly 28-14 in Week 2 with Waverly scoring a touchdown in the closing moments. Waverly's wins over Houston County and Adamsville were both in overtime. So on paper it doesn't appear the game will be close. BUT the Tigers have shown steady improvement and are playing with much more intensity and emotion. They may not be able to upset Riverside on their Homecoming, but look for the team to be ready to play. The excitement is back in the Waverly football program.

  5. Well your basketball team did not blow many folks out last year and did that make the season any less successful????  NO SIR!!!



    The 56-28 drubbing of Hickman County comes to mind.

  6. If indeed, Tyler did sign his NLI....he is bound to that contract as stated in the following link...  http://www.national-letter.org/guidelines/nli_text.php.

    According to a couple of articles that I have read...Smith did ink with UTK.  Therefore we will see him playing next year in Orange & White or he won't be playing at all.  My question is...Why sign with a struggling program, knowing that if the team doesn't make the NCAA tournament, the coach is gone.  Anyone that thought Buzz would be around after this year if he didn't make the NCAA tournament is just simply lying to themselves.  This program went from 4 straight NCAA tourney appearances under Jerry Green to 0 tourney appearances in the last 4 years under Peterson.  For an athletic director, that decision is easy.  The coach something or someone has to go...Buzz was the way out this time.



    I went to the link you noted above. From there I found a Release Form for requesting the athlete be released from the NLI. IF the school approves it, it appears as though the athlete would NOT have to sit out a year.

  7. Tyler Smith isn't just committed to UT, he signed with UT during the early signing period in November.  He is a Vol.  Case closed.  If he opts to go elsewhere it will be without a scholarship and he'll have to sit for his first year. 


    A change in coaches isn't an automatic release of a signed letter of intent.  Players sign with the school, not with the coach.



    What is the exact procedure on this? Could a player ask to be released by the school, and if released, sign elsewhere without having to sit out a year?

  8. Next year's region will be hosted by District 12. Even numbered years (2006) are hosted by the even numbered districts. Bolivar may be better next year then they are this year, add Liberty, Humbolt, Southside and Lexington, and the new District 11 may be challenged to get any teams to the region semi-finals.

  9. if ur gonna go to bolivar w/o a ticket plan on listening to the game on the radio their radio station is 96.7 bc the fire marshall is allowing 1900 people to the game and they sent 400 to waverly after they sold 1500 tickets friday morning in 25 minutes!  if u say that they arent sending waverly enough tickets for the game well atleast they sent them some bc if i remember correctly some school a couple years ago didnt send any tickets to the visitors who travel better than any school in the state


    Interesting. The TSSAA instructions to the Division 1 Sectional games Director states.... 8C.) The visiting team shall have the opportunity to receive 50% of the tickets. Money or unsold tickets must be returned to the host school no later than 5:00 pm the day of the game.

    I would think Bolivar's principal and athletic director Kessler, since he is on the TSSAA board of controls, would be aware of this.

  10. 2 Questions...


    -When is the Bolivar/Waverly game?

    -If Bolivar wins, when is their first state tournament game?




    The sectional (substate game) is Monday March 7; not sure of time.


    The Bolivar/Waverly winner plays in M'boro on Thursday March 17 @ 12:15 p.m.

  11. Nice job Harpeth!! Good luck on playing your substate game on your home floor. I talked with a Harpeth faculty member last night who expressed some hope that might happen. Supposedly Giles County's gym is not large enough but they have held sub-state games there in the past. Not sure of that though because Giles has all those seats on the end the gym. Anyway, good luck wherever you play.

    Agree with the comments about Cheatham's lack of class when walking off the floor. Was disgusting. How 'bout that across body block a diving Attaberry gave Carr knocking him into his seat in the closing minute of the game?? Was priceless to see.

  12. Only advantage Cheatham has is in coaching. Coach Jackson will have to devise a way to foul out Coffee and Smith. And quickly!! Otherwise this game will get ugly. Giles County will dominate inside. It will be interesting to see the intensity level that Cheatham has. They had plenty to play for in the consolation game against Sycamore and played flat, which is out of character for them. Or maybe it was Sycamore's effort which made it appear that way.

  13. I predicted Baines to get the MVP, but Attebery deserved it more. She really stepped up in the first two games of the tournament and had a solid championship. She might have played her best basketball of the season against Sycamore. There is no doubt that the right person got the MVP award.



    Well, maybe I put too much importance on the wrong games. I certainly meant no disrespect to Attaberry. I, too, admire the hustle and determination in her play. I did not see the Sycamore/Cheatham game and as you stated, this may have been her best game of the year. But scoring 23 points in a 55-26 blowout against an undermanned (or is it underwomanned) Sycamore squad should not carry the same weight of the must win (to advance) Waverly game or the championship game.

    Banes appeared to be option 1 against Harpeth and she responded. With Lawson going down with an injury, her scoring was needed even more. I do not have any stats, but Banes pulled down several rebounds and played good interior defense.

    Anyway, it is just a plaque. But I was surprised Carr gave it to Attaberry.

  14. I thought Banes was the difference in the game. Time after time she would get the ball in the middle of the lane and step back and shoot. Harpeth did not defend this play very well. If these two teams meet in the Regional final, Harpeth will need to provide some help defense against this play.

    I also found it interesting that Carr chose his home-grown Attaberry as the tourney MVP over the transfer Banes. What's that old saying, "blood is thicker than water"? Banes clearly was the dominant player in the championship game and was the leading scorer for the tournament.

  15. Harpeth and Waverly are the 2 best teams in 10AA and have proved that over the regular season as well as the district semi-final games. Like catfish sometimes posts, "When it comes to the post season, all bets are off." Tonight will be no exception. Both teams are athletic. Size is about equal in the paint. The team that executes on offense and plays the best overall individual and team defense will win this matchup. Coaching strategy and the adjustments the coaches make as the game progresses will be factors as well. Should be a good game to watch. The girls championship game before should create as good of atmosphere as that gym can provide. The boys game should be exciting as well and the "Blue Crew" student section may prove to be the difference maker. Good luck!

  16. Waverly may beat Harpeth by 10, but I don't think the reason would be bad defense.  You all have short changed the Indians all season.  Without playing a single district game with their 5 starters on the floor until the tournament, they've finished 2nd in the regular season and no worse than 2nd in the tournament.  They're doing something right..........



    Who are their 5 starters? I know about RD missing games but who else missed parts of the season?

  17. catfish, I believe the "hunter" JP was refering to was the Waverly student who was asked to leave a bit early tonight. Not sure of the details as to why Hunter was booted out. The refs had plenty of missed calls to be concerned with and not a fan in the middle of a cheering section. Hunter and a few others have really done a good job this year of firing up the student section. The players appreciate their effort and this probably helps the school morale as well. Hopefully the Waverly faithful will figure a way to get him into the game on Friday night.

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