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  1. The Lady Eagles have been kicking some butt this year, and that includes the Macon Co. Tigers. They don't agree, but who gives a crap about what they think. They cry too much about the refs, instead of shutting up and playing some ball. Well keep it up Lady Eagles, and yall will get the respect you deserve soon! Oh yeah to Macon, that shot was about a minute too late the other night. Too bad!
  2. kdugg6

    Houston Co.

    Does anyone have any info on Houston Co.?
  3. Oh yeah by the way, the only thing taken to the Creekbank is your momma, so you can quit saying this stupid phrase!
  4. My name is Duggin, not Dugan. Yeah it's me. No, I'm not the mascot, but I will be cheering the team on Friday night from the sideline, not in the bleachers like you. Why don't you let everyone know who you are, since you are Hartsville's biggest fan? You talk a lot of crap, but won't let anyone know who you are.
  5. Ok, you get on here and run your mouth all the time, but your name says it right CREEKBANKFAN. That's all you are, a fan. You prolly never played one snap in your life, so you have no room to be mouthing on here about Trousdale and Westmoreland. We all know how stupid you really are, so please, shut up!
  6. Does any1 know the result of the game??? How did they look?
  7. I heard that Macon didn't play too well, and looked bad like the past teams. I have no clue if they did or not, just what i heard. Is this true? Is macon going to be any better than past yrs.?
  8. Does anyone know the result of the scrimmage?
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