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  1. as the player who played the ball with his thigh, i have been taught as long as its not with the foot it is legal. im not sure what the official ruling is though. ive done the play on other occassions with my thigh and not been called, this is the first time i personally have been called for it. the refs need to just have a clear idea and be consistent
  2. does it really matter? nope i didnt think so
  3. Ive watched CA play for the last few years, so i know when i see talent
  4. Sophomore Matt Momany from Columbia Academy has great talent
  5. qb141


    so now you try and sugar coat your comments
  6. qb141


    well bballntn32, you better get your facts right. CA just celebrated their 25th year last year, so that argument isnt worth anything. Markease isnt the only reason CA won in everything so far this year, its a team effort. Before you go off tryin to be all big and bad, do a little research first
  7. i play both football and soccer and there are pros and cons to each sport. the best thing about football is the closeness that exists between the players. i play both and i feel there was a closer bond between within the football team. im not sure the reason of this. but soccer is amazing because the importance of everyone playing their role. its harder for one dominant player to take over in soccer than in football. its hard to choose one sport over the other though
  8. yeah i hear ca has a couple of really talented sophomores this year. the one who played in the middle last year, matt momany has some unbelievable foot skills. he always seems to be in the right place at the right time. the other one, adam gibson, didnt get as much playin time, but in the limited opportunities really did shine
  9. i had a pair of vapors, but they gave me some huge blisters on the heel. the adidas predator pulses have the best feel and touch. plus you can wear them right out of the box without needing to break them in
  10. Fairview is a team that plays with a lot of intensity. #15 is their best player, you need to keep someone marked up on him. the team runs thru him. on set plays, #23 is very effecient. they will try to play it quick before the wall can get set up, so make sure to get set early. the keeper gets to most balls, but if you put a lot of shots on goal, he will get tired. their team plays hard but you can wear them down with crisp passes that make them chase.
  11. Nathan Warren for Columbia Academy is having a pretty good season. As a sophomore, he is the leader of the team as well as the leading goal scorer.
  12. the main reason i write this is fairview needs to stop livin in the past. another reason is that the defense didnt slack up, fairview just got lucky goals near the end. also, many of the players for fairview were poor sports and would try to get cheap shots and then get angry when they got called for them. if you want to succeed, you might want to work on your attitudes and soccer skills first
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