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Camper (1/14)



  1. 4-0. Big wins, mostly shutouts.
  2. Hello dear readers, it's me...Mike Lyle. Most of you know me as the defensive backs coach at Giles County High School. Well, I stopped coaching there and took a job @ Mt. Pleasant this year. It's so much better here, the weather is alot better with the school being on the side of the mountain and all. Anyway, this message _does_ have a purpose. Each week I'm going to try and take time away from football practice and talking on the phone to my good and _very_ close friend, Keith Wray. This week's topic of my post will be on my favorite subject, the defensive back. I love going to practice each afternoon and getting all hot and sweaty and repeating "lets go DB's" in my head over and over again until that one moment arises where I say the phrase, and the little punks look at me like "you've gotta be kiddin". There was this one time at practice where a certain football player hit me in the back of the head with a football. I felt so embarressed like I wanted to cry on the inside, it hurt me, and more importantly it hurt my pride. And then there was the time we went to Montgomery Central I forgot the footballs! I felt so badly that I cried the whole trip back while listenin to soft rock 80's ballads to try and lift my spirits. I just wish Coach Smith would let me ride on the Gator just one time. I'm still mad about that. Anyway, until next week this has been Mike Lyle, Asst. Head Coach @ Mt. Pleasant! Take care! PS. Coach Wray, I love you.
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