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Everything posted by littlemn88

  1. what is catholic over all record then?
  2. Anybody know any news on the Halls frosh and JV teams, obviously by the previous post the frosh lost to Bearden but any news on the rest of their games
  3. How will all this rain change game plans for tom night, or will it? Is the field in any better shape for dealing with a lot of rain that they are saying will hit us over the next 24 hours? Either way I see the Devils winning this one on Sr. night, hopefully get the starters out early but with the weather it could stay a close game. As far as Burnette lets start talking about that after Friday win. One game at a time.
  4. What is the possibility that we get a home game in a few weeks?
  5. Looks like a sweep of the panthers. Good job coaches and players. Hopefully we can start our own streak against powell over the next couple of years.Looks like a sweep of the panthers. Good job coaches and players. Hopefully we can start our own streak against powell over the next couple of years.
  6. What are the thoughts on this game? How many years has it been in a row that Powell has beaten Halls? Will the streak continue?
  7. No nerve hit, my opinion and you said that was alright didn't you? And I did not make a pick on either on of those games. Does anybody know how practice went this week?
  8. good post lsmt. i am going out on a limb and say the "nads" won't be grown.
  9. Some of you guys kill me. After the West game the coaching staff was praised, heck the Titans even honored Coach J. Now after one loss to one of the best teams in the state in 5a you all are back at questioning the staff. Give it a rest, especially mornonyouarecus. If you want to coach then apply next time there is an opening, until shut the yap. This is not the University of Alabama, drop the expectations. It seems to me the coaches do the best with what they got. You are not going to win state championship after state championship with the talent that is there now.
  10. If Halls plays with no fire like they did last week they won't win another game. They were just not in it. Maybe a big victory hangover was the problem, who knows. They better get over that this week and get ready to play at a hostile environment on Friday night.
  11. Halls finally showed some toughness last week by coming back in a game that I thought was about to have the same outcome as last year. Julian must have fired the troops up at halftime. However, this week is another tough one. I have no clue who to pick in this one. Hopefully the place will be packed this week with Halls people. Several times last year the crowd really got into it, which has not happened in years. If the place is packed and the Halls faithful is rowdy, I give the game to the Devils.
  12. explain how west will be a lock for number two in the region rebel. looks like if central wins out region except for maryville ofcourse they are the lock for number 2. if west beats central and wins out the rest of the games there could be a possible three way tie for second in the region, central, halls, west. how will it be determined who will get the seeds in the playoffs then? i dont know how the seeding works and maybe you do rebel9 so please explain.
  13. Ironman made a good point. Win or loss Friday night the Red Devils need to make sure West know Saturday morning that they came to the Crossroads and got knocked around, but is Halls kids tough like the good ole days. Haven't seen it several years. Several times Halls players get a good cheap shot put on them and nothing in return happens. I am not saying fight, but back in my days of pitching if one of my players got hit I was going to send a message it was not to happen again. Do they have that tough mentality anymore? We will see Friday night.
  14. The rebs win this easily. USA Today game of the week, what a joke. Why don't they live feed practice at Maryville this week and they will see better competition then what Powell will give them Friday. Maryville scout team will run Powell's offense and defense better than they do. Powell is 3-0 against super midget teams right now. GQ won't run it up however, so I will say the Rebs 42-7. Could be much worse.
  15. Surely Halls will be ready to go for this game by Friday. In my opinion, which usually is not very good, I would remind the Devils what happened to them last year every chance I got. Now after saying that, will it matter that the guys are fired up and ready to go. Does West have to many weapons and will we use our weapons like we should? There really should be no question after Friday night who the Devils should try to get the ball to. Kitts was amazing, yes it was Gibbs, but he put on a show. Dayton to me is not as good as he was last year. It could have to do with teams keying on him, but as of right now he seems to not be producing like he was expected to. Lets get the ball to Kitts as much as possible and hopefully tackle on defense, they have been in position all year but just cannot tackle. I have a good feeling about this one and my gut is telling me to pick the Devils just because they will be at home and it should be packed with red and white all over the place.
  16. I am going to have to agree with ruse, Halls wins this by three or more TDs. Next week is the real challenge.
  17. Will Halls bounce back this week? Hopefully they are not overlooking the Eagles, don't want to pull a Michigan.
  18. Ironman, you need to look over my post again. The DEs were never even mentioned. All I stated was the obvious, that the tackling was poor. As far as responsibilities goes, I have no clue. It just seems we had guys there and they were not making the plays. It seems to me that part of it is not the coaches fault, Coach J cannot go out there and tackle for them. Players were in the right place they just did not tackle.
  19. Hallsgrad, for once I will have to agree with you. The tackling was very poor. Defense looks as if they are struggling so far this year and it seems very uncharacteristic of a Halls team. Offense looked a lot better in the second half and showed some signs of being a pretty solid bunch. Maybe Halls will get to see the Bobcats later down the road, better work on the tackling or S. Doyle will be the last game again. Better get better tackling or when West comes to town in two weeks it will get ugly.
  20. Does anybody know how SC will look this year? How will we match up in less than 2 weeks?
  21. i think hallsgrad and gun816 should both go see coach julian and voice their opinions since they know football so well. maybe they could even come to practice and help out. just make sure it happens before the bears come to town.
  22. Definetly not blasting him. I knew the number of the kid they were talking about and his name is on the Halls website. I also agree with your statement that he does seem to have ability. In noway was I blasting the kid, he seems to have the ability to have a promising year if he chooses to do so. If, which is a if, he is the one who missed practice for wrestling that is his choice. What I am shedding light on is on who Gun816 seems to be, again seems to be. The same person that bashes Julian and says he can't out coach a monkey. The same coach that has the community fired up about football again and over a 120 kids playing football. That is who I am bashing not the kid. The kid has ability and at times looked good. Kids names are mentioned on here everyday. I agree that there does not need to bashing of the kids and yes I would be upset to if someone bashed my kid, but that was not the intent of that post and if it came off that way I apologize. The bashing is for Gun816 whose identity is pretty clear to me and he is not a kid.
  23. I made it to the scrimmage yesterday redbyrd and the kid I believe you are talking about is acutally Gunter that Gun is so high on in several of his posts. I heard several parents talking about how one of the wings had missed several practices due to wrestling and I am almost positive they were saying it was number 41 who is Gunter on the roster on the new website. I could be wrong, but if ZCAR, Sneaky, or Haveityourway could help me out on that would be great. Also redbyrd you have laid down another hint on the identity of the constantly criticizing Gun. If thats the case then Ethan Gunter wrestles hmmm..... Lets look at some of the previous posts on other threads by Gun. Now lets look a football program from 2002. Possibly at number 16. Gun....Gunter??? Does the Gunter of now have a disgruntled brother from Halls football past? I don't have one, but I would be willing to put some money down that you might find him in the baseball program from the 2003 season and that you might want to look at number 8. Gun816 seems to fit....coincidence. Maybe?
  24. Good to see Halls put a good showing at DB. Been out of town for a while and haven't had the opportunity to check up on the devils. Maybe things are turing the corner at the crossroads, I guess we will find out tonight if they can keep improving. As I was catching up on the posts I noticed a new poster that was pretty all over KJ. I believe Gun816 and that only thing that I could think of was that it had to be a former player upset about something so I dug out some old programs and I think it has become obvious who it is. If everyone has old programs around the house look and see if you can find out who it is. Hint look at the 2002 program. Could be wrong but I dont think we need to call the CSI crew in to figure this one out.
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