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Everything posted by firefulmer

  1. I just wish he'd slowed 'em up on some of that mess once it really got started. Sounds like it could have been a bad deal over there. And Bizzieb, you are right about the fact that the REFS should have done something early on. Even if they'd pulled Dexter aside and told him to get a grip on his guys or face some T's. They didn't even have to do it...but they could have at least warned him early.
  2. I just wish he'd slowed 'em up on some of that mess once it really ot started. Sounds like it could have been a bad deal over there. And Bizzieb, you are right about the fact that the REFS should have done something early on. Even if they'd pulled Dexter aside and told him to get a grip on his guys or face some T's. They didn't even have to do it...bit they could have at least warned him early.
  3. From hearing it on the radio...it was almost like a totally different team than the one I'm familiar with.
  4. Don't worry Juke...made it home just fine. But thanks for asking. But excuse me for a second...I want to ask about the game.... I was also glad it was over when it ended. Not the score, but it sounded like it was getting out of hand. Someone let us know what happened. Rudesill said on post game that Kemp took a hard elbow to the head. I'd like some of the Liberty guys to post what they saw. It sounded like the Crusaders were going overboard on some of those fouls...but I'd like to hear from some of you guys who saw it. I think the most that Bolivar was ever down was like 5 points and up by 15 or 16. Still alot of B-vall to be played...but Catfish...with this type of outing I don't see how it's an upset. I mean BCHS beat Liberty twice in the regular season and now in the District championship. I mean, of course you're entitled to your opinion...but I can't see that point of view. Bt they may meet again...who knows now?
  5. jcmjeff2006, from what we're hearing...it's really tight...as we'd expect I guess. But it is tight, no kidding.
  6. Whatever Juke. Whatever. I was just kidding around...but if your gonna be like that... I guess you missed the part where I gave your team props for making it a very tight game the last time we played. I never dissed LHS and the other posters know it. And I didn't mean any disrespect on that post. Do you know what respect is? Sorry...but gotta go now. This is my floor...you know my elevator "doesn't go to the top". How many times have you been to the top Juke? And by the way...save some of that "special can of WHOOP BOOTY". It'll go good with your humble pie.
  7. We all appreciate that post. That is what some people do't get...almost everyone on here EXPECTS other posters to support their team...but be objective sure does make you sound a lot better. Good post. You know. Some people/fans will think this is nuts...maybe it is...but I also hope- they are all healthy, the refs let 'em play(no wuss calls ya know) and thatthey all bring their A game. Man. What a game that would be w/ this type of talent!!! Later. FF
  8. Well man, look at it this way...a chance for checking out the beautiful Hatchie bottom and some nice conversation!!!
  9. Sorry. My bad for my part. Just misread it. Have at it.
  10. I realize this was written a while back...but some things are more important than atletics-even though we like to talk about it. Man, I'm really sorry to hear about your classmates. Here's one BCHS fan who didn't know it at the time. I still send my prayers and sympathy to all those who cared for these young people...including you blaintraino6. Firefulmer
  11. Juke...one thing we can agree on, I too really hope our poor old nosediving team is in the same bracket as the skyrocketing LHS. And yes..I do remember the last time we played--it was close. Too close. You can't find one post where I have dissed LHS..a little smack maybe w/ you-but no disrespect to the team-ever. Deep doesn't matter if the guys perform to their ability. But they're going to have to do that. True enough. Good to have...but not a must always. I'm not about to get in your deal w/ McNairy!!! No prob. there man. later, Firefulmer
  12. 'baseballa28', man you are sure right about the mad house part! Wow. What a game to expect! But I don't know if it's so much opinionated as exciting! At least to me. What I can't understand at all is the fact that a lot of us BCHS fans have been on here time and time again telling the whole world how much respect we have for Liberty's program. And we're not blowin' smoke either. You guys have earned it. I mean do you guys think that we don't know how tight our games have been this year? But as we've all said...one, even two more games doesn't end the season now! And I still say that points here and points there against same opponents just does't matter. B/C after all-their have been different factors that effected those games on both sides. I just don't get where Liberty fans think they're being disrespected that's all. After all, we'd be a pretty sorry team if our coaches, players and fans didn't believe we can win. We do have a pretty good history to look at. But I now, it's all about THIS season now. But give us this much...we've also played some tough teams the last few years...and mostly won. blaintrain06--you guys sure brought it to us. And respect to ya'll for a great game. You're also right in that you may very well have awoken some sleeping tigers. Seriously. If they're not going to GO AFTER IT NOW...then they never will. And (no offense here to anyone) they'd miss a great chance to make history in the tourneys. I believe they will get it done. jndfan...I also hope the refs will just let them play and not be so tight, b/c I don't want any question marks either way it goes. But to borrow a line from you...I personally don't think people realize just how good BCHS can be. Too many people are looking at wins v losses instead of their competition. truhoopsfan-yeah. They should let you give the speech!!! Guys..whatever side you're on...I bet it'll be a heck of a game!!! Seasons almost over and even though I'm a true football fan...I've enjoyed "jawing" with all ya'll! However it turns out. Firefulmer
  13. blaintrain06, that could very well happen. The only exception I have with your post is that Bolivar is not in any kind of "bubble". Really. The guys are expecting a hard slog...especially against the Crusaders AND especially after the McNairy game! You also may be right about the 'boro...but at least take this in to account if nothing else---Bolivar has played a LOT of tough teams in the tourneys. We'll soon see and it should be exciting all the way around!!!
  14. montague1, you are right about BCHS cylinders clicking...right now. I believe as you do about the BCHS Tigers final game. I do believe they can 3-peat, and no-they've had some rough patches lately...but their experience will pull them through...just my opinion! But they can't let down now when they are this close to the end.
  15. jndfan,man I didn't make any excuses for the Tigers!? Believe me...we know all too well that it was too close. Props to McNairy as previously stated...but Bolivar HAD that game by 15 or more at one time. As I've said...I don't know what happened. But they did win and they'll have to crank it up to keep headed for their goal. We agree on that surely. I just believe different teams, by different points on different nights just can't really be compared. I've said I'm no expert (Lord knows) but it's just my opinion. That's all. And as for the LHS/Liberty point spread deal...I figured I'd take some heat. Maybe I deserve that one. But I think I also sid in that post that I had no idea who played or for how long...something like that anyway. It doesn't end the season, for either team, and should be a great game. As previously stated...BCHS v. Liberty is turning into a good rivalry!
  16. Solomon, I believe I saw that info on the boards a few weeks ago...someone will know-but I think it's the same guy. Whatever, he's doing a great job. Again, I believe the Tigers can do it. But I do see your point PrepFanatic, and even if BCHS did lose tomorrow night...that won't be the last meeting between these two great teams this year (no dis to the other teams intended). Experience in this type of setting does count, and IF the Tigers play their game, they will win. I believe they'll do it at the right time. Guys, free country and all. I even see your points. I just can't believe in this particular year that the Tigers will have a REAL let down here at the end. No doubt it will be difficult to three-peat here at the end...but w/ Willie, Wayne, Madden and our other seniors, I just think they'll make a serious run at it. [/i]! As competition level increases-the Tigers level of play will increase...but this is a risky way to play. No matter-here we are. They still have some room to manuver. Next year...will have to take care of itself. But the wheels aren't off over here yet.
  17. baseballa28, I pretty much agree with your point. I have reasons that I don't want to post on here, but two points; 1. You really can't compare different matchups/points beween various teams on different nights. Not really. 2. I have some (not alot-but enough) knowledge of what did/might have happened in the Bolivar v McNairy game last night...but no matter the case---the Tigers cannot play like that and get where they want to go. They just can't. And I know there were some bad calls...but that doesn't make it a great effort by all of the Tigers. I'm sure they know that. If they're not careful...they may miss a chance at making history. That'd be a shame for many people...I'll support them no matter what. B-ball's not my game. HA guys-I know---but Coach is a friend of mine and I care about all the guys since I've taught half of 'em!!! But baseballa28, I just think they'll gut check at the right time. I really do. A LHS fan said the wheels are coming off of Bolivar. I just don't see it yet---but the guys MUST bring the house every time. I mean, what are there? 6-8 games left? BUT... if they don't...I'm pulling for teams in our district!!!
  18. I'm absolutely not sure...but I agree with you that in the last decade...I can only think of Middleton too.
  19. They are Solomon...on a roll that is. But no matter how many people want to hand it to them already, (and I DO respect them) , I just think the Bolivar Tigers will have a little bit to say about it when it's said and done. I know. Just my opinion. On a connected but really unrelated issue... I thought they'd whip LHS worse than they did last night. I know it was a big win and I don't knowwho all played or didn't on each side. It's just---no dissin' LHS- I really expected a bigger lead at the end.
  20. Is sure hope you're right, and all around agree with you...but our other guys are going to have to keep playing their game! They've been doing great as of late--just keep it up guys!
  21. Yeah man. I guess I did. I always alternate between fired up and not wanting to pick at all this time of year! But BCHS fans...it's still true!!! Besides that culleokarep, I was up writhing it at 4:45am this morning!!!
  22. truhoops, man, you are SO right. To all the fans...people are talking like BCHS has already lost it! That's their wishful thinking. If these guys ever needed our support they need it now. If you've hesitated about going to the games, or whatever...NOW is the time to pull out all the stops. Even more than usual. And we do have some of the top fans in the state for support. Not to mention...we have an ALL AROUND great team...but how many times are you going to get to see two D-I signees on the court at the same time for Bolivar? And you can plainly see on CoachT...SO many people want us to LOSE!!! Newspapers are already crowning other teams!!! Huh? What's that about? Turn that to our advantage! As truhoopsfan said...it/s tourney time....let's do our thang and turn UP the volume. We can't play it for 'em, but we can sure as heck stand with 'em...and after the run these guys have had/are having---that means win or lose!!!
  23. Yes. I think W. TN has a good chance of taking all 3 classes. OK Mid/East....I said a chance...not a lock!!!
  24. Actually, it became more of a discussion about individual players...instead of that God-awful game(for us). But man, point well taken!
  25. ALL OTHER LHS POSTERS---NO OFFENSE HERE... Juke, I don't know a lot about McNairy or even a great deal about LHS. But if you guys overlook McNairy, you may end up being sorry you did. I know YOU, and maybe others, think the BCHS Tigers "wheels are coming off" but have you ever heard the old saying "what don't kill you just makes you stronger"? It is true that Bolivar didn't bring it all tonite v. McNairy. But they did win. And McNairy brought the house. Our guys know most people want to see them lose. That doesn't mean they will though. Not this year. And about the "stars and planets" thing...this is just my opinion I know, but it looks to me like the stars/planets would be aligning for the Crusaders if they are for anyone. Thank the Good Lord the game is plaed on the BB Court and not in space! No offense to you either Juke. Not really. Just throwing in some thoughts. I truly beleive it'll be the Bolivar Tigers in the end...but if not, I'd still supoort one of our district teams. Even if it's LHS---in spite of your crazy A**! And next year, at least consider some new material. You are funny...but...oh well, just think about it. I know you'll take that wrong, but not intended that way. And I'm not going to go back and forth with you a lot on this. Too late in the season for that. I'll wait until either a BIG tourney game v. LHS or next season for that!!!
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