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sports is the name of the game

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  1. unlike say....you, i thought you were going to shut up. ok you want truce then fine i'm done with you anyways, i'm tired of arguing with idiots.
  2. yea i have to say i think CA is going to wipe the floor with Cully unless Cully plays very well and CA has a messed up night 1072 posts of blabbering stupidity.
  3. well bite it then and shut up no one wants to hear from you, what have you said that comes even close to being knowledgable about basketball.
  4. what are we in canada... lack of basketball skills i would like to see you even try to step on a basketball court with me i would spank you like i did your mommy last night.
  5. well i guess he is about as bright as you are then... not very that is. , but i will have to agree Wayne does deserve to be on the poll.
  6. True Klinghard was A man but for some strange reason i don't see any love for Doyle. lets put it this way yes it was a very good game, but if your going to mention players then you need to mention Doyle, and Hammack. As far as it being a good game it was awesome and personally i can't wait till we see Stown again it will be another great game by to awesome teams.
  7. bballer13 pick a team and stick with them. One minute your for Wayne Co. next your for the other team seriously pick one and shut up!!!
  8. Yea like tiGGer said watch out WC thought, ahh their small no prob a few runs here a couple interceptions there we got it in the bag, as we saw it wasn't a good night for WC. I'm hopin WC does better and they relize that don't underestimate a team, and i'm not saying Mt.P isn't a good team i know they're a really good team so i say good luck to both teams. Come on WC we're hoping for the win. Good luck to both teams this.
  9. WC had a rough night friday, but don't count WC out they just had a bad night. Every team has an off night every once in a while so don't think just cause of one bad night they aren't a good team they may just pop up and suprise you. As far as the QB goes yea he may be short but he will rock that head don't let his size fool you he is stronger and faster than he looks.
  10. this will be a good game no doubt about that. Big hitters and alot of speed is what WC brings to it though CA has speed their line isn't big enough to take WC. I can't say what the score will be but i know one thing for sure this is gonna be a game.
  11. i'll say the same this should be an interesting game to watch.
  12. i'll agree and add one thing that other ppl have said more if c'wood wants
  13. LET 'EM know. i play soccer so i know how it is to be hearin a bunch of trash and the official not say a word about it. Lawrence is a good team no doubt so don't even worry about classless teams just keep doing yalls thing. OH and good luck to Lawrence Co.
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