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  1. Although I don't agree with what happened in the tournament, I do agree with some of you in saying congrats . I didn't see PF play, but they made it that far. Congrats on a great season andd good luck next year.
  2. I have a friend at the game and he called about 10 minutes ago and said it was 6-0 DL in the top of the second.
  3. It says a lot about a coach that looks out for the well being of his athletes even if it is the first round of the state tournament. That says a great deal about the progran that he runs. Watching them for the first time Sat. night they conducted themselves as a class act, well coached ball club. That is one thing you are finding less and less of. I commend him for that. I heard that Mathis will not throw game one either, so maybe we will see the Mathis-Everett matchup later on in the tourney. I think it would be one of the top pitching match ups of any class. Well, good luck to Loudon, but GO CHARGERS
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