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  1. Is he out for the season or does he have a chance to come back?
  2. That was a smart move Sommers! If you would have left that other post Mama Bear would have been on you like honey!
  3. If someone receives a sharp blow to the ear, there are ways to treat it before the cartilage is permanently affected and cauliflower ear forms. A doctor can drain the blood from the ear through a cut and then reconnect skin to the cartilage by applying a tight bandage. Sometimes stitches are needed to sew the ear if the skin is badly ripped. The doctor may sometimes give the patient antibiotics to prevent an infection. If it's caught and treated early enough, a person usually will not get cauliflower ear. Go to; Kids healthhttp://kidshealth.org/kid/talk/qa/cauliflower_ear.html
  4. With the right coach Oakridge could be a power house in a couple of years. They could give Maryville and Farragut a run for their money!
  5. ????????????????????????????????????
  6. My Webpage http://www.coacht.com/link.cfm?storyid=13403 Sorry, about that CoachT.
  7. There are different points of view on this article in the Knoxville Sentinel. Some of the supporters of the Farragut program feel that this article has put a negative light on our program. Others feel that it was informative and any press is better than no press. I would like to know what others outside our program thought when they read this information on CoachT. No worry, Farragut wrestling on track
  8. From the Today show. No body put's baby in the corner.
  9. From Joey. Howwwwww youuuuu Doin.
  10. So your kids didn't like it either!
  11. Congrats Hamm #1 viewed post on wrestling! 2,183 as of now!
  12. Without Dix do they deserve to be top 10? Looks like Knox is having trouble making 171 and there team really looked weak at Catholic!
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