Yea.....1A here used to be a 8 man the bracket. I helped run the state tournament for more than 10 years here.....then work got in the way. Hope to do again when I retire.
The goal for regionals and sectionals was to get to 16 man brackets for everyone, shorten the number of the days for the State tournament, and thus reduce the cost of the venue rental. It's been a while for me, but I think when there were 5 classifications 5A had 76 schools....but every time I turn around now there's a new school. I honestly don't know if they're going back to 5 or 6.
I loved it when we had the tournament at the Gwinnett Arena, but could never get them to open the Jack Daniels concession stand.
Of note.....the prior GHSA official that was always at and over the state tournament was Gary Phillips. Gary was a HUGE wrestling fan. He was also Herschel Walker's high school football coach. He wrote every person that worked the state tournament a nice thank you letter.