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RMC last won the day on January 31 2024

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    Gainesville, Georgia

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  1. RMC


    Morgan and Shaack weren't to shabby......
  2. Guessing this may have been the closest I can think of...... Bill Harlow: (from wiki) After leaving OSU, Harlow went on to win three national titles in freestyle wrestling. He won a silver medal at the 1970 World Wrestling Championships, falling to Soviet Gennady Strakhov in the finals at 90 kg.
  3. Seems like I've heard that last name before?
  4. GHSA Result link: https://unapproved website/predefinedtournaments/MainFrame.jsp?newSession=false&TIM=1708360826741&pageName=%2Fpredefinedtournaments%2FTournamentHub.jsp&twSessionId=ttkmwwiggs In 7A - 1st - Camden County - all 14 placed and I think only 1 placed lower than 4th - 4 champs - 279 points 2nd - Buford - 12 placed - 4 champs - 240.5 points
  5. If California can do it........I think we could all probably do it.....
  6. Yea.....1A here used to be a 8 man the bracket. I helped run the state tournament for more than 10 years here.....then work got in the way. Hope to do again when I retire. The goal for regionals and sectionals was to get to 16 man brackets for everyone, shorten the number of the days for the State tournament, and thus reduce the cost of the venue rental. It's been a while for me, but I think when there were 5 classifications 5A had 76 schools....but every time I turn around now there's a new school. I honestly don't know if they're going back to 5 or 6. I loved it when we had the tournament at the Gwinnett Arena, but could never get them to open the Jack Daniels concession stand. Of note.....the prior GHSA official that was always at and over the state tournament was Gary Phillips. Gary was a HUGE wrestling fan. He was also Herschel Walker's high school football coach. He wrote every person that worked the state tournament a nice thank you letter.
  7. Yes......that's what the guy said....pinned quick.... I just didn't know that was rule... Seems like if they're legal at the location they're wresting it should be ok.
  8. If anyone is interested the Georgia Sectional results are available on Track Wrestling. Just search for GHSA in events. Things I heard or learned from yesterday: GHSA is doing away with the 7A classification next year...guess they'll have 1A - 6A Only 6 qualifiers from each sectional go to state - 1 and 2 seeds get a bye at state (used to be 8 qualified) Buford and Camden County got all 14 to state Buford might be interested in Cleveland Duals or Father Ryan Tournament next year. Evidently 2 of the December tournaments they go to are on same weekend next year. Last odd thing I heard from a parent........if a Georgia kids wrestles a Tennessee 8th grader they are DQ'd by GHSA for the remainder of the year. The dad said they had to forfeit a weight class to McCallie this year. I'm wondering if this is really true.
  9. RMC

    NIL Deals?

    I'll admit I was phishing........but my gut feeling is it will evolve into a recruiting tool.
  10. RMC

    NIL Deals?

    So.....let's take Nico Iamaleva for example.......he received $375,000 before he graduated high school.....to come to UT....going from High School to College. If this plays out........what stops it happening for kids going from Middle School to High School? I mean...it's legal now. *And I think the column before "On3 NIL Valuation" is money they've received. (I could be wrong)
  11. RMC

    NIL Deals?

    I guess I was thinking of it bringing a kid to your school and not money to one already there. I was shocked when I looked up "High School NIL Deals" one of the results was "Middle School NIL Deals." But if you don't think it has hit high schools.....check out these for high school football: https://www.on3.com/nil/rankings/player/high-school/football/
  12. RMC

    NIL Deals?

    Ok.....so you don't think it'll be like the college NIL deals? You know like Nico's NIL he get $8 million. Maybe go to Tulsa Nationals.......offer the 1st place kids NIL deals to come your school? I hope it doesn't come to that.....
  13. Dang....if I made my CoachT name after my car it would be OldBeater.....
  14. RMC

    NIL Deals?

    What if any impact do you think the now approved NIL (Name, Image, Likeness) deals will have on high school wrestling?
  15. Ok....back to wrestling........will the state duals be streamed?
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