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Everything posted by DBFirefighter539

  1. I don't think anybody will even have to load the box to stop DB's running game this year. The offensive line is so small and weak you could shut them down with a three man front. Its a shame to have a great back like Sensabaugh with nobody that can open up a hole to run through. I'll wait and see what happens at Farragut but it don't look pretty right now. By the way what happened to that state of art weight room that we all paid for. Did somebody lock the door one day and lose the key. These boys don't look to me like they've ever seen a weight room. jaco, you gave me a good laugh with the weight room comment being an alumni player i know that more and more the focus has been shifted from power to speed..hint the fact i rode the pine most the time, i may have not been the fastest or best, but i made holes haha
  2. im not convinced yet, ive seen 2 of 3 scrimmages and the jamboree, and im not convinced on how good they will be. ive also seen practices where they are very lethargic, with no energy, that needs to change in a game time situation. we'll see what happens friday in knox. look for Farrugut to do the same thing they did in the playoffs 2 years ago in the freezing cold. Load the box, and when you pass be there to pick it off. DB most likely comes home 0-1 going into week 1
  3. the most exciting thing i saw all night was souths band dancing , they need to figure something out for these jamborees and spice them up, like battle to the death before week zero or something hope last night "really improved" all teams
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