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Everything posted by MisterObjective

  1. Offense ok. The fullback dive and the qb keeper was the majority of the package tonight. The fumble hurt. Defense needs some work. DB's letting receivers get behind them. Haywood was big and fast. UC will need to contain better to offset speed deficiency.
  2. No false equivalence. If we'd had our players, the results would have been the exact same as last year. We didn't and we lost. Time for us to look forward to next year.
  3. Dresden has a good team. Offense is really good. Savor it.
  4. What's good for UC is that the 4 or 5 new starters on both sides of the ball now have a few games under their belt and it is starting to show. The offense looked crisp last Friday night. The defense is still a work in progress but it has improved.
  5. We're going to start draining the swamp.
  6. If Humboldt's qb shows up to play again, we'll have our work cut out for us. I haven't heard which qb will be starting for us. We may be down to one senior playing this Friday.
  7. The veer versus the veer. The game should be over by 9.
  8. If God didn't give man free will, we wouldn't be dealing with all of this. Since He did, I'll choose the play, not the penalty. I've always thought that I had earned the penalty.
  9. You have to give grandma Eve some credit for using her free will to disobey God. There were consequences. God did not create her with her having the knowledge of evil.
  10. When it comes to supposed contradictions in the bible, I approach it with a few premises that I accept on faith. The bible has one Author(but several writers). The Author knew what was written in the first part of the Book when He had the last part written. The Author is smarter and wiser than me or any other man that lives or has lived. The Author does not make mistakes. The Author never told me that everything written in His book would be easy to understand. With that in mind, i approach supposed contradictions as items that I'm pulling out of context, adding to His word, or taking away from His word.
  11. It says, "which was made of the seed of David according to the flesh;". The flesh part pertains to Mary, the descendant of David.
  12. Where does it say "seed of David"? When was silver not a currency?
  13. As far as points 1,2, and 3, you're spot on.
  14. They were called Anabaptists earlier on by others because the Anabaptists were "re"baptizing people that were sprinkled as a baby. The "Ana" was eventually dropped.
  15. We were in the OT because you were referring to all of the OT prophesies being fulfilled. We can take a look at the New Testament for King Jesus. You can make the argument for Him being a spiritual King, No doubt He's my Lord and Savior, but I don't see Him walking around here sitting on His throne at Jerusalem. However, He does say that He will be doing that before long.
  16. Any passage pertaining to Jesus being a King. He came as a Prophet, is currently our High Priest and will become a literal King. Isaiah 4:2 "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." The list goes on about Jesus's reign, about eternity, about the Tribulation, and about Israel.
  17. Any passage pertaining to Jesus being a King. He came as a Prophet, is currently our High Priest and will become a literal King. Isaiah 4:2 "And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks, nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore." The list goes on about Jesus's reign, about eternity, about the Tribulation, and about Israel.
  18. Only about one-half of the OT prophesies have been fulfilled .
  19. I'm saying that you have to be careful pulling your bedrock church doctrine or salvation doctrine from the book of James. Leapfrogging over the Pauline epistles into the first several chapters of Acts can also get squirrelly. Acts 2:5,14,& 22 looks like a predominately Jewish audience with the apostle to the Jews preaching to them. You'll start to tie yourself in knots trying to explain why we abide by 2:38 yet we're not now seeing the cloven tongues of fire in the first part of the chapter and the apostolic signs and wonders at the end of the chapter. But being that we're picking verses, I choose "And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved." Acts 2:21.
  20. You're right about the next/last life may not be here on earth. It is a very impressive love that a Father would let His Son die for you. I wouldn't let my son die for anyone.
  21. James is written to the twelve tribes of Israel. It can get dicey pulling church doctrine out of it without taking it out of context. Ephesians 2:8 & 9 is fairly cut and dry.
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