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  1. I remember the year that Volunteer kicked DB's butt and I would so love to see it happen again and put a stop to your arrogance Go Falcons! Show them what a small hick town school can really do. I'd love to see what the excuses were then.
  2. No worries! The new coach is taking care of his boys!
  3. Yes It is Volunteer! And, if you pay attention you might be in for a surprise.
  4. I would agree with the previous poster that Whitt is a great coach. My son has had the pleasure of playing for the man and has nothing but respect for him. Sure he is tough but he loves the kids and would do anything for them. I kind of hope to see him stay in the area.
  5. Coach Whitt is loved by most... he will be missed. Here's wishing him the best and hoping he moves on to bigger and better.
  6. Barnette is a good coach. Actually he is a great coach. He knows the game. He knows the players. He knows how to get what he needs out of the guys. So what I am saying is it's not hard to see what's right under your nose when you are looking for something.
  7. I am of the understanding that Barnette will be taking over. He is a great coach and I think he will do a great job.
  8. I would have to agree with this description of Coach Barnette. He's a great guy and would do a fine job.
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