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Everything posted by batmast

  1. Yes there is. @Volunteer October 5, 2012 Kum ba yah, my lord, Kum ba yah!
  2. Down to 40? That's 5 less than at the start of the year. Hmmmm....wonder why? Sow------>Reap
  3. You assume Haynie has any sway or power over there. You would be wrong.
  4. Great gate? Really?Team size down to 45. (Probably only need 4 or 5....right?)Steady loss of the Home fans. (This year, look to be outnumbered by visitors in at least 3 of 6 home games)The uprising won't happen as I predicted, as it seems Nobody Cares. Happy now?
  5. Have to admit that's pretty good. Lot's of ammo when you got rings.
  6. Some posters think the only way to boost themselves or their point is to try to tear someone or something down.
  7. Now that's just plain weird. I got all aces buddy.
  8. Another banner year? Whatever. ps I am not the one naming names on here. But since you have, you must of heard of some problems. Please share.
  9. It does not matter what the players do.
  10. You would think by some of the posts that you all lost. You did win, Right? Everything is upside down in Southville.
  11. South will beat Enka this time around. But if, beyond all elementary comprehension, they have the same coaches this year they will stink it up again. Wins and Losses are of little importance with that bunch. Weird power and personality trips rule with little regard to the player. Sucks for the Rebels.
  12. I care but my focus is not as narrow as yours. So, I'll concede that you and the 2 or 3 fans left probably will be happy, but there will be no team.
  13. I have been almost exactly right over the last two years. 4-6 in 12. And you have earned your brownie points for the day.
  14. Anyone short a kool-aid induced high knows those numbers mean nothing and is nothing but spin for the feeble minded. When you go 4-6 and lose to Volunteer next year, your fan base mysteriously disappears and the defections start; who will you be blaming then? Hard schedule...check. Wrong conference...check? Graduated too many starters...check. No all staters...check. Work ethic...check. I'm sure you'll conjure up some more or should I say be feed some more after next year.
  15. I'll admit no such thing. It is just that we will never know. Best I can tell you used 4 or 5 QBs. A complete mess. What happened to the QB that started throughout the spring and summer and that ran or threw for 500 yards in the first game. I know he had an injury for a game or two in the middle of the season, but by game 2 at DB he was done. I understand it was some weird personality conflict or grudge. Nice coaching there.
  16. Ignore at the peril of your program, kid. It is a fact that I do not believe there was a drop in talent. <---Bashing and Hating. Ouch. When you go 12-2, 12-1 and even 11-3 and run something that doesn't resemble a middle school offense and defense, you get recognition for the players who deserve it. And if they are not put in the position to earn the accolades they're get none. I guess all those all staters just have to show up and they get those awards. Duh. Does nothing to prove there was a drop in talent. Nope. There was not. If that's too much bashing and hating or beyond your level of understanding.....move along.
  17. A little touchy over here? I was replying to a South daddy concerning his failing program.
  18. Yeah, need that money. Attendance off a bit? Let's predict next years attendance: 60..no 45 players x 2 parents + 80 students, grandparents and clingers on = The middle school out draws you.
  19. You should worry more about the South Coaching Staff. They are not my cronies and not my coach.
  20. About the play calling and OC. Clark wears a headset, but does anyone know what info is passed back and forth? I do know that it is sometimes impossible to see the big picture or even the little picture from the sidelines at field level. Someone competent upstairs needs to either be calling the plays or passing along adjustments as the game goes along. The problem with passing along the information is that takes precious time, causes conflicts and sometimes confusion. This is all critical in close games against good teams under pressure situations.
  21. You'll not believe anything I say. You want to be "involved and included". Do your own research. You know some of this years or last years players I presume. Inquire of a few of them what the atmosphere was this year, what was taught and what examples were set for them. I don't think I have ever called for anyones job. They are, first and foremost, school teachers and may well be very fine ones at that. I do not know. But clearly, some do not belong on the football field.
  22. You are calling me a liar and don't even know what the word means. I don't lie. You sure you want to challenge me, little Bobbie.
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