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  1. And people are saying McKenzie needs to learn how to show sportmanship and class. Seriously, this shows a complete lack of class on Huntingdons part.
  2. Im sorry i didnt realize that by saying that Mckenzie is better than what you give them credit for that i was saying Huntingdon is horrible. My bad. Never did i say anything negative about Huntingdon on here. I have only made a couple of posts on here i just mainly get on here and look at what everyone is saying. I didnt say the game would get out of hand either. You are putting words into my mouth. Thats all i am going to say about it because i think it is rediculous how bent out of shape you got over that comment that was in no way meant to belittle Huntingdon. Thanks
  3. McKenzie is a whole lot better than you give them credit for.
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