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Everything posted by TonyDalton

  1. Not sure what a madder is--does it hurt if you get hit with one?
  2. I will say this in fairness to you--your posts are not nearly as obnoxious as Aloca Painted Bridge--I think he's been the author of most of the truly egregious comments. One of you Alcoa guys needs to rein him in a little before he gives all Alcoa fans a bad name.
  3. Uh, I said best of luck to YOU (actually I was saying it to the other guy who posted how he knew exactly what kind of person I was and it seems you're now chiming in). I knew better than to say good luck to your team! I knew if I did some smart-aleck would say exactly what you did about Alcoa not needing any luck. But you misread my post anyway...maybe you should have your attorney screen your posts so you can understand exactly what's been said and make sure you're responding it it instead of responding to what you THINK was said.
  4. I never did any of the above, and yet I managed to end up in your cross-hairs. I have been careful to make very clear that I respect what the Alcoa team has been able to accomplish, and yet some Alcoa fans didn't hesitate a bit to start calling me a "hater" and whiner. Again, CAK's strength of schedule doesn't have anything to do with allegations of "Alcoa cheating or that Alcoa has an unfair advantage." For someone to bring CAK's strength of schedule up in a non-CAK post tends to suggest that you guys have a problem with CAK, not that anybody else has a problem with Alcoa. Anyhow, water under the bridge.
  5. I don't have anything to hide, and thus no need to hide behind a madeup name so I can throw stones at people anonymously. And the fact you assume all attorneys are arrogant is just as fallacious as your assumption that all non-Alcoa fans must be haters or whiners--not a very open mind.
  6. A little addendum, while I'm thinking of it, so you'll know that your 1 for 4 was not really even as close as it sounds: Rich--actually grew up pretty poor, son of a mechanic and a factory worker, grandson of tenant farmers on both sides of the family (in case you don't know what tenant farming is, it's a slightly more modern version of "sharecropping"). Self-centered--My wife struggles with mental illness, and there've been long stretches where I've had to take care of her, our kids and my work. I only WISH I could be self-centered! Lawyer--You got that one right; I don't know if you just guessed, or if you looked me up on the internet. Inflated sense of self-worth--Wrong again. See the discussion of "self-centered" above. I don't think my crap smells any better than anybody else's. I do have a personality weakness, if you could call it that--in the sense that I sometimes feel compelled to stand up to bullies. Rightly or wrongly, I felt like you and a couple of your Alcoa buddies were acting like bullies. I have since read stuff that you guys posted about other people from other schools. I can see that I'm not the first person to ever stand up to your bullying, and I can also see that other folks' efforts to convince you to be a bit more respectful have been futile. So I'm not going to keep trying to change your attitude. My post above is not to make you feel sorry for me; I've had a lucky life compared to a lot of others; but until you've walked a mile in your neighbor's shoes, you might want to avoid tossing around terms like haters, whiners, rich, self-centered, inflated sense of self-worth. Best of luck to you.
  7. Rich--wrong Self-centered--wrong Lawyer--right Inflated sense of self-worth--wrong (I see much more of that from a handful of the Alcoa posters) So you were 1 out of 4 I guess.
  8. I don't necessarily have any solutions to the question, but I think your observations are on target. Another thing I've noticed is that, on the first possession of every game, it seems our defense gives up a lot of yardage. They might ultimately stop the other team's offense short of a score, but the D always seems to give up a drive into its own territory on the first possession. It also seems the D usually plays better in the 2nd half, after "adjustments" are made perhaps? The run defense needs to get more consistent.
  9. Kingston's band was outstanding--best HS band I've ever seen.
  10. You didn't try very hard. And if you think you're a good judge of character, you need to think again, because you're WAY off base in your assessment of me.
  11. You might not realize this, catback, but these Alcoa guys are mind-readers. They can see through the facade and see your deep-seated hatred of Blount County teams, just like they did mine. Seriously, though, nice post. I hope the Alcoa guys don't hound and deride you like they did me after I made a similar point a few days ago.
  12. No need for you to apologize, as you certainly can't be responsible for every other fan of your team. I guess those two experiences caused me to have certain preconceptions about the attitudes of some--not all-Alcoa fans when I started visiting this site. I'll continue to work on trying to rid myself of those preconceptions.
  13. At the regular season game @ CAK, it was some guys who looked to be mid-20's trash talking on their way back to their cars. At the playoff game @ Alcoa, there were some Alcoa fans a little older, probably in their 30's maybe early 40's who sat on the CAK side and ran their mouths loudly the whole game.
  14. Ahh...the more I think about it...I give up. You Alcoa fans are right. I'm just a thin-skinned, mean-spirited wussy. I give up. You win.
  15. Well, at least you're calling me Mr. Dalton now instead of the condescending names your colleague called me earlier. And I fail to see how I've taken any of BC's comments out of context; he pretty clearly was talking down to me. This all started when I pointed out that you made a sideswipe at CAK's schedule in a thread having nothing to do with CAK. Then it just escalated from there, with some of your buddies piling on with name-calling, etc. I did not intend to pick a fight with anybody, but a few of you Alcoa fans strike me as just downright prickly, unwilling to take the same measure that you give in your so-called good-natured "poking" and "banter." Oh, I've heard before about your breaking bread and all that (you obviously are endowed with immaculate sportsmanship), but I'll reiterate that your "banter" seems like a one-way street, just for example calling something that one of the CAK fans posted "garbage" and telling him to take it to another thread, as if you own this place. Seems like you're a bit defensive about certain issues, but that's for another thread. Now, in this post, you're again avoiding the substance of my initial comment. You're touting Alcoa's strength of schedule ("tell me another team in the state that can say that"), which I've never questioned. Your original potshot was at CAK's schedule. Much of your post above is simply tooting Alcoa's horn for playing such a tough schedule; as I recall, the schedule was so tough last year that few teams even scored a touchdown against Alcoa during the regular season--not implying that Alcoa wasn't great, it was, but... In closing, I hereby withdraw my name from contention for the sportsmanship award this year; you obviously have that locked up already. Put it on the same shelf as all of BC's shiny trophies.
  16. Sure, Maryville is a great program. I asked APB the question though. I'd like to see him go on record saying that he respects the Maryville program and actually has something positive to say about it.
  17. I have my own share of problems and am far from perfect. Carrying my emotions on my shoulder is not one of them. You are correct that I am the new guy on the block here. Perhaps that gives me a more objective perspective on things. What you call good-natured banter, I see as mostly a one-sided/one-way street. You seem to think you're just doing some good-natured "poking" but the first time anybody makes any kind of legitimate point about Alcoa, or points out that you seem to take every opportunity to denigrate other teams, well it's THAT person who has the problem. That's not "banter." it's a sign that your skin is the one that's exceptionally thin. I have no desire to break bread with the likes of you. I have seen nothing from you that causes me to believe I should subject myself to being "interviewed" by you to judge whether I'm "worthy" of further torment. You are full of platitudes like "let's get something straight here..." and telling me to "look in the mirror" and "grow up" and likening me to a teenage girl. All I have done is pointed out when I believed you were taking potshots at other teams. Surely you realize you were doing that, but instead of simply acknowledging that, and possibly saying anything the least bit conciliatory, you continue to pile on the negativity. You and your compadres start referring to me as "ol' Tony" or "lil' Tony" and continue to attribute to me a "hatred" of Alcoa when I bear no ill will toward the Alcoa football program. What I do dislike is arrogant, self-righteous, smug, condescending people who attach themselves to something--like a successful football team--and then look down on, and talk down to, anybody who dares to question them or disagree with them, however respectfully it might be done. That's not a sign of a nice person. And I see FootballDad, GVK and Jrsdad trying to strike a friendly, playful but still respectful tone with you in their posts, only to be bashed over the head every time you get the chance. You're a bit on the prickly side. If you think what you do is really just good-natured "poking" or "banter," you should ask them sometime whether they would like to see you not act so smug and condescending. You might be surprised at the answer you would get. Man to man (or teenage girl to man, if you'd rather couch it that way--see, I do have a sense of humor), I encourage you to ask them that question sometime. Your supposed "friendship" with them might actually be stronger as a result of having that dialogue with them. As for me, why would anybody that you've given such a "welcome" to this site want to have lunch with you? If you would perhaps utter a respectful or conciliatory word, perhaps I would invite you to lunch. Based upon what I've seen of your personality as reflected by your posts on here, I have no desire to become part of your little group. You and your amen corner can sit around and polish your numerous trophies without me. Instead of coming to lunch with you now, I think what I'll do is continue to just watch on here and see if you can manage to show a modicum of respect to FBDad, GVK and JRsdad and others. If I judge you worthy, I'll invite you to lunch and pick up the tab as well, and you can even choose the restaurant!
  18. Sadly, I'd say that's about right. With all those trophies, you'd think he'd be a happier person, full of good cheer and respect for his fellow man.
  19. Evidently BC needs some remedial reading courses because he doesn't seem to have understood a thing I've said. I don't hate the "F5." I hate it when mean-spirited people can't seem to resist opportunities to put other people down. You, sir, are an embarassment to the Alcoa football program and all of the kids who work hard to put a winning team on the field. If they could see how you treat fans of other teams who happen to question your proclamations or disagree with you, would they be proud to have you as a fan? By the way, I'm not "lil'" either, and I know you weren't using "ol'" or "lil'" as a term of endearment either (I doubt you actually have very many true friends with your attitude), so don't call me "lil'" either. On the other hand, if it makes you feel better about yourself by continuing to put me down, go right ahead. Trust me, I've probably been called a lot worse than you could do on your best day. So indulge yourself. Be assured, though, I am a patient but persistent person, if you continue to take potshots at people on here, I will continue to call you on it every time I see it (of course I do have a job and family to tend to, so I might not have as much time to prowl around on here as as you do). So, unless you want to continue having to think up new derogatory names to call me, oh well...I know I'm wasting my breath. That which is in the heart proceeds out of the mouth (if you don't know who said that, let me know and I'll tell you). Based on what comes out of your "mouth" (keyboard), you must have a very dark, hollow heart.
  20. I don't blow gaskets (although I'm having an easier time understanding your metaphors than APB's--I'll give you credit for that!). I work in a high-stress industry, so my blood pressure doesn't go up just because of something that somebody says or writes. Nor did I come to this party having any predispositions against Alcoa. My notions about Alcoa were initially that it was a very successful and respectable football program. I still hold that notion about the program. What I started learning last season by listening to Alcoa fans at the CAK home game, and also listening to some Alcoa fans who for some reason chose to sit on the visitors side at the playoff game at Alcoa, and reading the numerous posts of exceptionally arrogant Alcoa "fans" on this website, is that there are a LOT of Alcoa fans who have no class. The fact that you read into my comments some deep-seated "hatred" of "Alcoa" says more about you than about me. By the way, I'm not that old, so please don't refer to me as "Ol' Tony." Also, I still haven't heard APB or any of you prolific trash-talkers name for me any program other than Alcoa that you respect or have anything good to say about. Still waiting. Just sayin'.
  21. When I first started visiting this site, I took umbrage at a post I thought was from an arrogant/smarmy Alcoa fan. FootballDad assured me that, no, the Alcoa folks on here are respectful, etc., etc. I pointed out to him that I had a bad experience with some very obnoxious Alcoa fans while leaving the CAK/Alcoa game last year (the regular season game)--with the fans making comments about how CAK wasn't even good enough that they should be on the same field with Alcoa and similar derogatory "trash talk." Not good-natured trash talk--ugly trash talk. I explained to Football Dad that I realized I shouldn't draw generalizations about ALL Alcoa fans based on that. The kinds of stuff I've been reading lately from APB, BCSportsfan and Scots whatever his number is have reinforced my initial impression that there are a LOT (not necessarily all) of arrogant, smug, and downright mean-spirited Alcoa fans who think their teams' excrement doesn't stink. I wonder whether your loyalty would be nearly as strong if Alcoa was not such a dominant winning program. You would have to find some other external thing to latch onto, to generate a sense of self-worth through your attachment to it--the guy with all the trophies at the bottom of his posts would have to find some other little "signature" item. Because you strike me as the kind who would not support Alcoa through the rough times.
  22. Unless I missed something, You, APB as your cheering section BCsportsfan calls you, are the one who injected CAK's strength of schedule (or alleged lack thereof) into this non-CAK thread. So, it seems if there is somebody getting off-topic, that would be you. Again, I bow in the general direction of the football gods in Alcoa; they are evidently untouchable under the current circumstances (which includes, of course, open enrollment rules, but that's for another thread--not here)...but you have to admit that you get some amount of pleasure out of putting down other schools' programs...I'm not even a psychologist (though I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express lately), and that's pretty obvious. Is there any other school around here (besides Alcoa) whose football program you have ANY measure of respect for, or even anything good to say about them? Hmmm? Come on, you apparently know a lot about HS football. There's got to be somebody besides Alcoa you respect.
  23. By the way, my grandfather didn't really say that. That would be a silly thing for him to say, wouldn't it? But you know what I'm sayin'.
  24. Anyway, who the heck is the sleeping dog? The folks writing posts in a non-CAK thread taking potshots at CAK's schedule? As my grandpa used to say, dogs don't write in their sleep. I'm not following all of your metaphors. I guess I'm still a little light-headed from the atmosphere on Pluto! Just sayin'.
  25. Pluto, though I think they've even decided it's not really a planet anymore. I'm not cakfan and don't keep up with all of his/her posts. What I noticed was, in a thread NOT about CAK, you first taking a sideswipe at CAK's strength of schedule, implying that CAK's chances of beating Alcoa's 95 players (only a few of whom are out of zone I've been told) with CAK's 55 players (including freshmen and no "out of zone" players) might be better if CAK played a tougher non-district schedule. Don't know what that has to do with Alcoa vs. Stone Memorial--was apparently just an opportunity to take a shot at CAK that couldn't be passed up. Then, another Alcoa fan (apparently) named bcsportsfan followed your lead and piled on--piled on footballdad, whom I've never seen cast any "stones" at Alcoa. So, the planet I live on is one where people who don't deserve cheap shots don't get cheap shots taken at them. As the kids say these days...just sayin'.
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