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  1. we did play your freshman team it was a very close game hv has a freshman rb who is just as good as your freshman rb freshman lineman are way better than etowns freshman lineman hv should have won the game but as usual etown paid the refs off ref made a terrible spot on a 4th down call. i could see the fear in etowns coaches during that freshman game lol hv will only get better while etown will go downhill after this year it will be a two team conference hv and north
  2. you are so right all etown can do is play down to win every team they played that was the same size beat them now they cry because they dont like ur field they make fun of smaller less funded county schools i hope cd rolls
  3. witten calls the shots cak ashville and greenville were dropped because they are all losses no other reason money is no object to etown but when they cant beat them they drop them thats a fact the teams etown picked up witten feels will all b wins he is mad because he has to travel to little chuckey doak.news flash shawn u dont want to to travel to schools like cd and hv play where u belong instead of playing down u etown guys are a joke always have to cry and whine and moan when u lose.
  4. you forgot about the money jason witten gives them,and ehs is not a big bad team they can not win against teams their size thats a fact 0-3 this yr 1-4 last year ehs coaches are paid triple as a county school more money better coaches more money better equipment to train with but with all ur money ehs still loses to greenville ashville and cak all the same size as ehs these are facts just like the fact that ehs does play down
  5. you are wrong about some scores my dad played against them in the fall of 1977 that was the first time they played in 20 yrs the score was ehs 10 hv 6
  6. because when the the schools were reclassifed all the green county teams dropped hv and we could not get anyone to play us
  7. witten is having trouble finding anyone in the area to play because no likes etown because they lied about enrollment numbers to play down no its true i heard it from a county coach that turned it down,remember who is brother is money is not a problem
  8. i heard he was going to etown next year
  9. ehs has played three schools their size and got destroyed each time its sad they have to lie about enrollment numbers to play down
  10. coach witten does not want to play cak greenville or ashville none of these teams will be on the schedule next year,he has offered a county team 10,000 dollars to play ehs so lets see what happens
  11. at least we agree about coach greene maybe he can come back soon hv needs a man like him
  12. heard the same thing god bless him with a full recovery he was a very good player
  13. only thing this shows is hv is the best county team still hv is not close to ehs in money and equipment.ehs spends more on band uniforms than hv hampton cloudland and unaka combined spend on football. play greenville again they are the same size...and good luck with that
  14. facts are wrong two hv starters were removed from the team last year for breaking the law just like these kids did one of them is back and starting i just hope all these kids get their life on the right track.coach green is a great coach and man, he is missed by some at hv and hated by others for being loyal to coach verran.i have talked to coach green he wants to come back one day i just hope he does he is a great role model for all the kids at hv like i said he is missed by some and so is coach hyder
  15. the game was not close ashville is the real deal
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