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Everything posted by ColonelIngus

  1. It takes a common type to go for the low fruit.
  2. April 26th, Year of our Lord 2012 Encampment, Moccasin Bend My Dearest Barbara, I find great respite in your most recent correspondence. Although, upon studying your previous thoughts, I would have beseeched you to have been more fastidious in the occupation of your own time, as well as my own, when transcribing your loosely contructed thoughts. The lion's share of your thoughts, as common with others afflicted with your gender, were useless filling. Despite this hindrance I find satisfaction that you were able to eloquently surmise your positions, whether by true intent or accident, with the simple phrase, "... I simply thought..." Good Day, Colonel Enes Ingus post script; I would have you assign a tutor, specifically one versed in catering to a mind demented, to instruct the elderly man from Giles on the multiple definitions of words and how a negative connotation serves to denote said things. As his comprehension has proven itself more encumbered than even I had previously thought. Also, the afore mentioned subject has a distaste for the french, despite the fact that it was they who assisted our emancipation from the British crown. I can only postulate this is rooted in his earliest experiences of spending his childhood fatherless in the parlor of a borrdelo. I apologize for the burden, but as you well know, the Good Lord beseeches us to imbibe in the care of those less fortunate souls than ourselves.
  3. April 25th, Year of our Lord 2012 Encampment, Dallas Bay Mr. OldManGiles, You will forgive me if i elect not to further imbibe myself in your contributions to these discussions. As I have found that it behooves one to not engage parties that feel it necessary to proclaim themselves wise, while no public record exists to solidify such a pompous claim. Good day, Colonel Enes Ingus post script; You would be wise to keep you breath paced while you await further correspondences from my self or my men.
  4. April 24th, Year of our Lord 2012 Encampment, East shores of Chickamauga Lake My Dearest Barbara, The light off Chikamauga Lake reflects the moon on this cool cloudless night. It takes me back in time and I recite aloud a haiku I read as an underclassman studying at West Point. The moon departs frost falls upon the morning glory. Then, as I survey the words from your forked tongue, I find satisfaction with your choice of author, or lack there of, from which you plagiarize your own signature. Any true student of great literature recognizes the signifigance with which such things must be meditated upon and ultimately chosen. A short simple essay, poem or even the stoic death haiku of a Japanese samurai can transcend what the lay man could not say in a lifetime with words ∞. What one must also account for is the Architect of such things. You chose Joseph Rudyard Kipling, or as Orwell properly labeled him, "the prophet of british imperialism." Upon this second consideration, your candidate has been found vastly wanting. This poor excuse of a man's life holds no quarter in the discussion of what is to be a man. Born into privilege only to cowardly explore the parts of Gods Great Creation that the crown's soldiers had already slithered across before him, as to rape and pillage in it's name. By his experiences, birth right and a british passport were the only intangibles as to what beget a man. I can only surmise, by your reference of such a person as Mr. Kipling, that you have sadly lived your entire life in the absence of any worth while examples of men, and only spent a rudimentry amount time amongst even the lowest level of parlor soldiers, at best. Due to this, it finds no man here astonished that you choose to don the childish tin crown of a bona-fide imperialist, whilst chastising another, of your own likeness, that you see on the horizon as the threatening usurper of your own ill gotten gains. Good day, Colonel Enel Ingus
  5. It is difficult to assign praise for the principal (zonepirate) when he has so thoroughly obscured the scene of this bloody battle. We cannot consecrate, and we cannot venerate the scene of this epic battle site because it was consecrated by the blood of the one who perished(traintracks99, rip). Fortunately, we can empathize with having to execute a brother-in-arms. The destruction of all the evidence merits no praise for you zonepirate.
  6. Welcome back to the T LHS2012! Why did you come back with a different user name? ...If anyone has any doubt, please feel free to research this ladie's posts as lhs2012.
  7. Now I am more of a people watcher than a football watcher,and I will say this...the similarities in these three characters is glaring. The differences in these characters seem contrived! Are you a schizophrenic? Do you even know? There appears to be some conflict between the different manifestations of your personality. Regardless of whether or not you are receiving treatment...don't be so hard on yourself!
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