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Everything posted by rc213v

  1. remember this smeagle1 Medalist Members 1,209 posts Posted 05 December 2011 - 03:39 PM Congratulation Marion your administration made a great hire. He will get your program back on track very quick. WHAAAAAAT.....LOL
  2. It's a joke Well if Mr. Childress come to jasper look for jasper high school he will never find it, i have lived here all my life and I still can't find it. LOL
  3. The Feds need to pick up the vandalism charges, if it was anywhere else it would be call gang war far.
  4. Mac wants to be like KC And SunShine Band A winner
  5. Old Mac brought that Thug mentality To Marion County Football Program. OK WHO WAS THE POSTER THAT SAID OLD MAC WAS A LIVING LEGEND.
  6. He is at Top of the food chain at Marion County
  7. The AD knew more than what he is saying he and old Mac are tight.
  8. CORRUPT it's a lot I could tell you but you could not bare it now
  9. Theblackpearl do you remember what I said last week about all of this...
  10. An When old Mac first got here he stood up an told everybody that he thank God for giving him another opportunity to be a head coach an God put them(Marion County High School) together for a reason. What a joke.
  11. Old Mac just need to leave town right now and never come back he knew about everything so the AD knew as well so all of them need to go.
  12. I know what officer am talk n about and it was a joke.
  13. They(coaches) must be on a leave of absence.
  14. Marion County Board of Education Review: Annually, in February Descriptor Term: Suspension/Dismissal of Non-tenured Teachers Descriptor Code: 5.200 Rescinds: 5.200 SUSPENSION A director of schools/designee may suspend a non-tenured teacher at any time when deemed necessary.1 Before an employee is suspended s/he shall be: (1) provided with reasons for the suspension; (2) given an opportunity to respond; and (3) given a written decision of the suspension. Under no circumstances shall a director of schools suspend a non-tenured teacher with pay. If reinstated, the nontenured teacher shall be paid full salary for the period of suspension, unless suspension without pay is deemed to be an appropriate penalty. The director of schools may dismiss any non-tenured teacher during the contract year for incompetence, inefficiency, insubordination, improper conduct or neglect of duty after giving the nontenured teacher, in writing, due notice of the charges. The director of schools shall give the non-tenured teacher an opportunity for a full and complete hearing before an impartial hearing officer.2 Marion County Board of Education Review: Annually, in February Descriptor Term: Suspension/Dismissal of Tenured Teachers Descriptor Code: 5.201 Rescinds: 5.201 SUSPENSION A director of schools/designee may suspend a tenured teacher at any time when deemed necessary.1 Before a tenured teacher is suspended s/he shall be: (1) provided with reasons for the suspension; (2) given an opportunity to respond3; and (3) given a written decision of the suspension. The causes for which a professional employee may be dismissed are as follows: immorality, inefficiency, or on account of discontinuance of position.1 Under no circumstances shall a director of schools suspend an employee with pay. If reinstated, the employee shall be paid full salary for the period of suspension,2 unless suspension without pay is deemed to be an appropriate penalty. When charges are made against a tenured teacher, charging the teacher with offenses which may justify dismissal, the charges shall be made in writing, specifically stating the offenses which are charged and shall be signed by the party or parties making the charges. Following the delivery of the written statement, the teacher shall have fifteen (15) days to request a hearing. The chairman of the Board shall set a hearing date not less than seven (7) days nor more than twenty-one (21) days after the request for a hearing is received. The Board shall conduct the hearing and be empowered to issue subpoenas on request to either party to compel attendance of witnesses. The subpoenas shall be signed by the chairman of the Board. The chairman of the Board administer oaths to witnesses. The hearing shall be held at the County Courthouse and shall be public unless both parties agree to a private hearing. The chairman of the Board shall preside at the hearing and the decision shall be by a majority of the Board. The chairman shall vote in the event of a tie. Each party has seven (7) days to appeal the decision of the Board to Chancery Court. Marion County Board of Education Review: Annually, in February Descriptor Term: Suspension/Dismissal of Non-Certified Employees Descriptor Code: 5.202 Rescinds: 5.202 SUSPENSION A director of schools/designee may suspend an employee at any time when deemed necessary.1 Before an employee is suspended s/he shall be: (1) provided with reasons for the suspension; (2) given an opportunity to respond; and (3) given a written decision of the suspension. Under no circumstances shall a director of schools suspend an employee with pay. If reinstated, the employee shall be paid full salary for the period of suspension, unless suspension without pay is deemed to be an appropriate penalty. The director of schools may dismiss any classified employee or non-tenured teacher during the contract year for incompetence, inefficiency, insubordination, improper conduct or neglect of duty. The director of schools may either choose to provide the employee with a hearing or give the employee the opportunity for a hearing before the Personnel Hearing Authority. Requests for hearings must be filed in writing within ten (10) days of notification.
  15. It's a good possibility the two Marion County coaches will beat the case because the Marion County detective on the case is from lil Pittsburgh and he wrote jasper high school on the affidavit so the will get off on a technicality. LOL silly lil pittsburgh LOL!
  16. Marion County's head coach needs to give a apology.
  17. I when to Marion County High School but am not going to give lil Pittsburgh mitches an apology LOL.
  18. Like I said old pirate corrupt, I could tell you more but you couldn't bare it now...
  19. Well one thing about so call old legendary coach Mac he got his assistant coaches buying in to his high school football system and a whole lot of Marion County fans to. LOL
  20. All the coaches need to be on leave except one.
  21. Roy I told you last year that the powers that be that run and have influence in Marion County high School are corrupt. This is not a one man job and it's hard for me to think that old Mac did know about this. Right now it looks like the one coach is the fall guy because he is a outsider.
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