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Everything posted by luv2ball

  1. There is a kid from Hixson Middle School outside of Chattanooga that is going to be incredible next year, he can shoot the 3 like no other, he also has his older brothers handles who graduated from Hixson last year. Watch out for this kid he is special, He will be playing for the Chattanooga Thunder this summer look out for him. HIs name is Andrew Hilton. of the Hilton brothers, we call him Vanilla Shake.
  2. I am sure that Hixson will win, I say #24 will hit seven 3's tonight. OH by the way, I said Shaumakr or whatever his name is, has no class or character or at least that is what I meant to say, He may be a good winning coach but he has nothing when it comes to class. A Hixson player actually got benched Monday night for supposively swearing, which only the ref heard. It is pretty obvious that winning is all that soddy coach cares about, Poor Mcniel will not learn from his stupidity and may do something even more stupid next time and will get hurt even worse. I know I should let this die but remember I was there and involved and I cant believe he got away with it. It pisses me off because my facts are facts and not rumors. Anyway Im out, keep ballin everyone!
  3. What a terrible coach Soddy has. What coach would allow their player to start a fight, get beat up even though they had two friends to help, and then still play them in a game the next night. does the TSSAA have to discipline first, shouldnt any coach have the class to discipline their players without any outside direction. Coach eller will send you to the locker room just for swearing, that is Hixson's coach for those that dont know. IF Hamilton County starts putting some money into Hixson, maybe things there will improve, instead they spend it on schools that are allready better off than Hixson. If you are zoned for Hixson and are going to be a big crybaby about going there, we don't need your spineless, wimpy self here.
  4. How about those idiots that cant spell etcetera ETC ETC , maybe you should go to Hixson and learn something
  5. One last comment , if anyone tries to turn this into a racial issue, you are pathetic. this was about stupidity and hotheadedness and please, please leave his little boy out of this. Hopefully he learns from this, goes to college, and provides a goood home for his son.
  6. Lets end all of the rumors right now. I was there, not just there but involved. David never said the N word, if you knew him you would know that is bull. Mcniel walked up to David and pushed him not expecting the response he got from David. He had TWO other freinds with him. After the game, David walked up to me and pointed out Mcniel to me. I saw Mcniel looking back and forth across the gym and he then made eye contact with David and told his friends to follow him. He walked right up to David and pushed him. I would have stepped inbetween them but I did not think a sophomore who got to start on varsity would throw it all away that stupidly. I pulled Mcniel and David apart and then his friends jumped on David, nobody has even mentioned his third friend involved who stood there after the fight was over and still taunted David and his dad, who were in the stands still. luckily Davids dad was there with Dr Swafford to break it up. It was Mcniels freind that really blew it for him ,he made it ten times worse. He was running his mouth when Hixson played in Soddy a couple of weeks ago. He was talking trash to David and his little brothers right in front of thier dad. Then during the JV game Tuesday night, and this is on tape!!!!!!!!!!!! the three of them were on the Soddy side and saw David sitting with his parents watching his little brother and went around to the Hixson side and sat one row behind them and proceeded to talk trash. They made jokes about David's parents, about David, and his brothers, and David ignored him. No one jumped in anybody's face. During half-time Mcniel walked past Jonathan, David's little brother, and said that he didn't want him he wanted his brother( meaning David). It may have looked like they were victims because of the bloody towels that Mcniel had up to his mouth and eye but they were the agressors and now they will pay the consequences. I kind of feel bad for him because he has talent and his friends are going to hurt his chances of playing college ball. Oh yeah ,by the way, the refs were horrible if anybody needed to get beat up it would be them (just kidding) those Soddy parents sure let them know it though ,they were on the sidelines screaming in the refs face and just being out of control, If anyone tries puttin this on Hixson their just plain ignorent. I was at the Grundy game as well and The bottles came from the Grundy County side. I even saw one of the soddy parents try to get into it with David's dad after the fight was over. David's dad tried to get someone to get the third friend out of the gym because he was still starting trouble, and the Soddy parent in a gay yellow sweater started yellin up at him, lucky for the Soddy parent that David's dad was busy trying to get things back under control, and just ignored the little man. Student athletes cannot act like this, I wonder who taught them to act like this.
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