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Everything posted by TheWoodMan

  1. Guru has nothing to do and no life, but has no time to update.
  2. Roy.....he has the winners in bold print. Man, your getting senile. First you lose your book, now your vision.
  3. FCS can share their silver ball with Boyd.
  4. Not cool......the problem with these different officials is they don't flow with the game play. They try to stand out instead of standing back.
  5. I still feel NC didn't get our best. Come on 145 yards in penalties for Cwood. Plus injuries. But they beat us. I do believe we would have matched up better against Hundon, much like WC did against us but not against other region teams.
  6. Yeah that would stink like Wasteboro. Its all in fun really. Well most of it. Speaking of......MtP plays at Collinwood tonight. Might want to be a fly on the wall there. Intense.
  7. Ever heard the saying......blind squirrel...... finds nut......well its much more complicated than that. They just get the good old boys. The ones that are fathered in. Cronyism. Perhaps.
  8. I don't lump you with the goof balls. Dumb and dumber. You actually make the most sense.
  9. You guys are putting way too much player info out there.
  10. Third round is not early. First round is early.
  11. Dude......that's just freaky. Only you could scour the net and find that. Or was that at your families thanksgiving.
  12. I saw many predicting WC to be at the top of the region. I knew that was a joke. No one gave Collinwood much of a chance, but they won the region. So good call on your parts there. Both you knuckleheads downed Collinwood all season, and because the all mighty wildcats looked bad you resorted to calling our region weak. Great call there too. Morons.
  13. I also predicted WC to go less than 500. On the season. I'll take that one of two anyday.
  14. Be realistic...when you lose 20 seniors, you don't think repeat. Come on man. Unless you're Alabama. They freaking do it at will
  15. Anyway........this WILL be a great game. Adamsvilles superior pass defense against the FCS passing game. Shootout. I've seen the Cards and they are big, strong, and play as a solid unit.
  16. Maybe those Texas people cherish township, family, and tradition a little more. I don't know.
  17. Wrong......Rice is gonna build for another state run. You along with everyone else knows he is already in progress. Don't be rediculously defensive.
  18. No....I said what I mean. I'm not talking out the side of my head. Do you know what that means?
  19. I don't think they are. They do have a lot of athletes though.
  20. I can see Roy looking in the mirror Saturday night saying " What's this mess".
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