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  1. I know I'm a little late posting this but I was over watching soddy and central(on mat 2 where as heritage and Cleveland were all the way over on mat 1)and looked over and if I was able to tell that west was pinned then I see no reason that the ref couldn't.
  2. honestly i dont understand why this is getting so much credit i agree with rlwest40 so far this year clevelands been doing great and bradley has been doing well too but i think theres a very clear winner not to hurt anyones feelings
  3. hamm i thought you said not to get sucked into internet blogging lol
  4. I agree it will definitely be a match to watch but I believe that wc is very strong in it's lower weight classes and wether beech moves their line up aroun or not wc will still come out on top and if wc bumps there 220 up for that match against podany(beech's hwt) that could make it a little more interesting
  5. Beech was missing a few people I agree bit there key kids like Lozano maclasland hackett and sahutske were all there and out of those four only Lozano beat his kid in overtime
  6. It may just be my opinion but you said that you think region 3,4,6,7 are you picks for best regions but I didn't see region 5 in there anywhere sure they may only have Wilson central and Blackman but then again region 7 only has Clarksville and beech and wc already proved their toughness against beech
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