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Everything posted by PhillyAl

  1. My ole my. I can't wait to hear the excuse now!! BBV. What do you have to say about this now? Pretty bad.
  2. K2Ruth. You are totally correct that the picture minus one player is the coach in a nutshell. How a coach could do the is unbelievable. The players DO want to play for a coach that reaches out. A coach that does that will eventually develope a winning program (if they don't already have one). Yes EVERYONE likes to win team unity and reaching out to alumni are big. AC may be down this year but they are young. They will be back again. They have very little club (if not any) players and they continue to win. That's because of what their administartion and coaches have built. People want to play for a winner and family. Just by default isn't it the right thing to do. I guess if you really care for your players it is. If you don't care then its not.
  3. K2R. This has everything to do with being a GREAT High School coach. High school coaches are teachers who should care about their players. Establish relationships with them and build a family environment to create tradition (like BBV says). All we parents hear from the high school coaches around here are. You need to play High School. It's a "great" experience. You are playing for your school. We also hear, "why does your club director tell you not to play". I have contacted 3 people that played at Bearden over the last 3 years. ALL of them. I said ALL of them told me their coach has yet to contact them to see how things are going. Their coach has yet to contact their parents to see how their daughters are doing. I'll say it againThe coach has not once contacted the girls to see how things are going. These girls made a positive influence on the Bearden program. They created no trouble. One (in the words of my daughter) coached them and taught them more than the paid coach did.This is why girls don't want to play High School. This is why most are on the fence and then get guilted in to playing. If the coach created an environment like AC they would have 3 teams at each high school. How great would that be. The club directors have contacted the girls many times to see how they were doing and asked them if they needed anything. That's why the girls want to play club. So lets hear some stories from parents of college players where their high school coach has contacted them. Surely the Bearden coach has. Or am I right when I say he has an agenda and could care less about his graduates. Surely there is one.
  4. bratman. How many coaches has AC had in the last 30 years?
  5. BBV. Great topic. This should be interesting. The high school coaches all talk about how special it is to play high school volleyball. Let's see who reaches out to their gilrs. I can tell you who doesn't!
  6. Hardangle. Can you share with all of us? That would be WILD!!! He didn't nominate her for MVP. Trust me on this. If you know any of the other coaches that were in the meeting (female) call them up and have them refresh your memory.
  7. K2R. First of all let me go on record as to saying it isn't my decision. The decision for her to play High School volleyball was hers. I support that decision. If you ask her whether she cares or not she will tell you she would NEVER play for the bearden coach. UNder NO circumstances. She decided that on her own. Bearden did play in the regionals last year so she experienced that. Now, I'm not going to rehash why she decided not to play. Go back to my other post and you will know why. In his mind there is literally no one on the team except his daughter.Everyone else is just helping his daughter get what he thinks she deserves. If the parents don't realize that than that's their problem. Ther's a reason why the Randolph girl (2012) didn't make all district MVP. Wish I could tell it. Just read my previous post. You will understand
  8. I've read all the threads and have been having fun keeping up with the volleyball talk on here. Haven't posted because I didn't feel like it. Athletes and their parents are the only ones that should make this decision. If I want my daughter to play HS volleyball then she will. If I don't then she will not. It's that simple. What do I look at when deciding whether my daughter should play HS volleyball??? 1. Does she want to play or not? 2. Does she have a chance to play D1 volleyball? 3. Will the coach help her get better. 4. Do I think she should play. 5. If she is getting recruited. What do the college coaches suggest Here are my answers to these questions. My daughter does not want to play HS Volleyball. Not because she doesn't like it but because she isn't fond of the coach. My daughter does have a chance to play D1 volleyball. The coach will not help her get better. If she played HS volleyball her coach would not help her get better because he doesn't know how. She tried it once and he was always late for practice and he cared about how ONE person did on the team. Now "Beachboy" and "hardangle" I respect what you have been saying on here and I would like to ask you. what do you think about a coach that is late for practice, has a girl on the team coaching more than he does and only cared about one person on the team. This is a hypothetical situation i am bringing up. So if we know all these to be true what do you say about that. Would you let your daughter play for that coach?? Lastly. My daughter has asked the coaches recruiting her whether she should play HS volleyball or not. Here was their standard answer. If you want to and you think the coach will help you at your position then yes. If you just want to represent your school then yes. Then they would ask "who is the coach" . I would tell them and they would say, "i understand why you don't want to play". So it's not up to the club coaches or the HS coaches whether your child should play. It's up to you and your child. Beachboy and Hardangle...Pleasae give me your feedback on my hypothetical.
  9. Had a GREAT tournament in Indy. The K2 15 elite finished tied for 5th in open division. Played some great teams. Now the girls have a well deserved week off!!! A lot of KVA teams were there as well. I think they had about 5 or 6 teams. Not sure how any of them finished. There's plenty of parents on this board that can give us an update.
  10. btw. I remeber last year when we were in louisville the university's volleyball team played a game. Does anyone know if that is going on this weekend?
  11. I agree with spike. We are not anti anyone. I would also like to hear from the KVA and Pheonix rising people on how things are going. After all this is for the girls. I hope every girl in our city that wants to play volleyball does play and has fun doing it. My daughter is and all of her teammates are. I hope all the clubs stay open so all the girls have a chance to play volleyball. Only positive things about our club from me. That's what ill be posting. Wish others would too about their club. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE TEAMS GOING TO LOUISVILLE FROM KNOXVILLE!!
  12. He's an awesome coach. He will turn Karns around.
  13. ORCAT I'm done answering your questions. You have no volleyball sense, and this is a volleyball forum. Thanks for playing.
  14. Clubonly and ORCAT First of all neither of you know what went on at Bearden. Of course if your daughters play at KVA, common sense would tell you that you are getting one side of the bearden story. You are not going to hear anything negative at KVA from Bearden volleyball parents. You realize that don't you? Club only you say at the end "if you only knew some of the truth". On the contrary sir. If you only knew some of the truth. You do not want me to come on here and tell you "the truth". This is not sour grapes. My daughter does not need high school volleyball to get recruited. No girl needs high school volleyball to get recruited. That's why all of our daughters are playing club. So what I'm trying to say is I don't care about high school volleyball but what I do care about is a coach taking care of his high school volleyball team before any other team. Because that is the team he took charge of and made a committment to first. Believe me sir. You don't want "the truth" about the Bearden coach to come out on this forum. So the best thing for you is to forget about it. Go to your club and enjoy your time with your daughter. Believe that there is only one side to the story and be happy.
  15. These are not attacks. They are opinions. You have one, he has one, she has one, they have one, everbody has one. The coach before him won at Bearden. Do you think she was a great volleyball coach? Listen. People chose to do what they want. That's all fine. Be ready for the consequences when you chose the wrong thing. The wrong thing is YOU DON"T PUSH ASIDE YOUR HIGH SCHOOL TEAM TO ADVANCE YOUR NEW CLUB!!! That's what he did.
  16. ORCAT. Either you play dumb or you truly know nothing about the game. I'm hoping you are just playing. Lets go through the 3. 1. The coach at halls could win with the teams Bearden has had. Coach Dave will quit Bearden after his daughter leaves therefore this discussion doesn't matter. He can't coach. It was said before that there was a player on his team that did most of the coaching. Her and the asst coaches ment more to my daughter than anyone. 2. Coach Foster use to be a good coach. About 20 years ago. She has no idea whats going on now. She had decent talent and lost. That tells me she is terrible. Nice lady (i think). 3. Catholic coach. Have no idea about that fellow. He can't beat CAK and their coach is a joke. Since this is his first year he gets a free pass. Let's see what he does next year. BTW...He will not be coaching my daughter any more. She will be training with better coaches.
  17. Someone asked me today if I thought The bearden coach would come back next year. I said....BLA hahahahahahah Thats a for sure thing. He would never let anyone else coach his daughter. That's why he started his club. Gotta make sure she gets what HE thinks she deserves. The only way that happens is if he controls the situation. We've gone over this many many times!!
  18. I like some High school coaches. I like the ones that can coach Volleyball. The problem is most of them can't coach. Not getting into the coaching stuff on this thread. There is a thread we can talk about this on. This isn't it. ORCAT This thread is entitled "Club Volleyball in Knoxville". Nothing about high school. Start a thread on it and I'll go there with you..
  19. Knoxd thats true. Hardangle not sure where you are coming from. I do think what you can get from this topic is that the 2 clubs in our town are good for everyone. It gives all the girls a chance to play in the atmosphere that they want. Not all club coaches are good. Not all high school coaches are good. Well most high school coaches in this area are very bad. Notice I said most. If you want to go there then post in the correct topic and i'll go there with you..lol
  20. Not knowing who your team is I'm sure they will do great. Wish our two clubs could get together for some "play days".
  21. So are you saying the Icebreaker has a "weak list of teams"?
  22. Well, there are 2 sides to every story. I will check with J and Chris and find out if they didn't call or didn't take any more calls from Dave. I'll let you know. There is NO competition in our region. That's why K2 doesn't play in it..
  23. Club K2 has to send their top teams to wilderness. When you have teams like NKYVC and A5 sending some of their 1 teams then you are obligated to give them good competition. Our team didn't have a choice. The competition that we encountered was just as good as what we would have gotten at the power league. The owner of the power league understood our problem and they are working it out so it doesn't happen next year. The icebreaker might have been good a while ago, but it's terrible now. No team from Knoxville should be there. It's like playing in club instead of power. Not even worth going there to scrimmage. The best thing the Knoxville volleyball community could do is scrimmage with each other. KVA and K2 should scrimmage. Guarenteed that will not happen. Dave would NEVER do it. K2 would do it in a heart beat, because it's good for the girls.
  24. I jump in since no one has. My daughters team didn't play but here is what I know. Both K2 and KVA were at the same tournament. Mideast Power League in louisville. The k2 18-1 team did really well their first day and went 2-1. This put them against one of the top 5 teams in the country (munciana) on Sunday. They went 0-2 on Sunday. This means that they finished in the top tier of their pools and so they will be playing tough teams next power league. The K2 17-1 team went 2-1 on Saturday and went 1-1 on Sunday. This means that they will also be in the top brackets for the nest power league. The KVA 17-1 team went 1-2 on Saturday and 2-0 on Sunday. Since they went 1-2 on Saturday this puts them in the lower bracket for the next power league. They will play much easier teams and should win most of their matches that weekend. I do not know about this weekend. None of the K2 elite teams went anywhere.
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