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Everything posted by juggernautMC

  1. We all know you SP fans give that lip service and say yall pull for us every week but one... We all know your two favorite teams are 1. SP 2. Who ever Marion County is playing.
  2. You can stream it... Wtnw 1180... They have a website an app and they are on the Tune in radio app..
  3. You guys fill these boards with crap, then wonder why people don't get on here to discuss football... I throw something in but it doesn't have anything to do with spray paint, murphy's pole, or sp's halftime moral victory a couple of weeks ago... Plain and simple we have to cut down on the penalties. It has kept some opponents in the game for longer than should be... I know we have the talent to compete and I believe our coaching staff will have the boys in position to win. We just need to execute.
  4. Was that beat down not enough last week? You absolutely add nothing to the football discussion... Kick rocks...
  5. We haven't faced a team yet that's even close to being in the same ball park as Boyd...
  6. IMO the talent is there... #1,#5,#11,#64 were some good football players...
  7. Am I wrong our did their 50 fans boo our band at halftime?
  8. OR to busy tackling each other...https://cdn2.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/bHklna3L62xdLJxBxhYmWrj-Vl4=/1400x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn0.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/4055546/flatack.0.gif
  9. Ot vs Oklahoma is miles more respectable than Ot with Johnsonville Bratwurst State...
  10. Vic built them little fellers a play area and won't even let them play on it? What kinda mess is that?
  11. I know the player you're referring to. Is he a freshman this season? He certainly looks like he could be a good ball player one day, if his parents keep the feeding trough full.
  12. 20% chance not bad... Wet field may hurt sp more since they already had trouble holding on to the ball in their first two games...
  13. I wish Friday would hurry up and get here... The atmosphere should be electric... Hope everyone is healthy for this week and stay that way throughout the game and season...
  14. Hearing that Oneida found a way to win having over 100 yds in penalties and losing the time of possession battle by almost 3-1, gives me a little boost of confidence this week.
  15. He is right and you know it... My goodness even SP people are tired of you and the local idiots ramblings... Flip the record every now and then...
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