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Everything posted by Scoresalot

  1. Tell that to the dominant teams of the 90's
  2. Maryville is great. Wish Murfreesboro only had 2 schools and the talent wasn't diluted. In no way taking anything away from them. Please don't read it like that
  3. This one shocks me. Blackman score does not
  4. Well Riverdale contacted someone I know this week and asked for a $25k donation for Field Turf. This person said the money would be better spent on an indoor facility. Told them it could pay for itself by renting it out. The person asking for money didn't want to hear that. Said they want to be the first in Rutherford County to have it. This person said no.
  5. Locker room and weight room. They decided to pass on indoor facility and attempt to raise $500k for field turf
  6. Hmmmm Raising funds for Field Turf isn't going well
  7. No way. Left Middle Tennessee with a bad taste in his mouth. Also, roster isn't stacked for the foreseeable future so he will not be interested. He has a track record of moving with talent (minus his last move).
  8. Having more than 55-60 players on a team is unrealistic for one of the biggest HS'S in the state? Can't win with no depth. Can't have depth if no one wants to play for whatever reason. Every week we were outnumbered nearly 2 to 1.
  9. Go Warriors!!! Support for coaches and players tonight. You can do this.
  10. Says the fan of Ensworth errr Oakland
  11. Haha If we ever go back to 2 HS and block any attempts to add additional HS's we might be able to do just that.
  12. My TV 30 has a spot on the schedule for HS football for this week but hasn't announced teams
  13. Wilson Central errr I mean Cookeville is pretty good.
  14. Heard Aydelott was very complimentary of his team on the radio today. Good to hear. We hear nothing but the negatives around here. I've fallen into the trap from time to time. Sorry coach. Proud of this team and ready to support them (Coaches included) this week. Go Warriors
  15. Bonds was unbelievable in this game. Great closing speed.
  16. Aydelott with a slap to the face of the backup kicker in the paper. "Was hesitant to kick it with the starter out with an injury". That was 4th and inches on the goal line down 3. Then proceeded to allow the extra point which was 2 yards further than the kick. Hats off to the kid. He hit 2 huge extra points coming off the bench cold. No credit from the head coach though.
  17. What a great game. Very proud of the Warriors.
  18. Good Grief. Scrambling now to switch schedules for work. As of right now, unable to find anyone to work Thursday for me. Nothing like the last minute. Should have made this decision Saturday
  19. Nothing like the last minute. If they are going to change, those of us who work kinda need to know
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