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Everything posted by OleMary

  1. LOL...you must be one of the ones "in the know" then.
  2. Looking forward to all the red herrings from "people in the know" about the coaching search. Some of y'all fixin to show your arse.
  3. Rankin would crash the Porsche..... into a tree......with no skid marks.
  4. Nobody cooks a cake like that Alnwick bunch. Fried enough cakes to pay for a team's worth of helmets and jerseys, I'm told.
  5. I have it on good authority, that a Goon has a satellite office as close to 825 as Cuba is to Miami.Better keep one eye on that shifty cus.
  6. I bet Susie could get him to flip. She's flipped more than just mattresses in her day.
  7. Lol. You don't know how close you are to being right.
  8. I had to chuckle to myself at a name I heard has been thrown in the hat over there.... but not totally surprised.
  9. We need to get Susie's granddaughter down to Alnwick and out to Eagleton in the next month or so to secure the future of the boys of 825!
  10. I found the original Murvil reCrootin advertisement.......1925 *the price tag ($400) was less than Alcoee is now........
  11. Jim Renfro never had a woman brokering his games and picking out his uniforms. Geeker needs to man up.
  12. Maybe he's missing that Central time zone...get you tv watching done an hour earlier there.
  13. Prolly hacking into someone else's files somewhere. I'm ready for Crootin season. When is signing day for 8th graders at 805 Montvale Station?
  14. If wagering in the city is not going through Bo, it will draw the ire of the Maryville Mafia. One could find themselves sleeping with the minnows at the bottom of Pistol Creek.
  15. Do the 1985 Chicago Bears have an opening week 1???Ole Mary ducks no one!!
  16. Well boys, we may need additional help in finding replacements for 27 and 88!!! Has anyone seen Susie lately???
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