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Everything posted by Sunshine4780

  1. Way to go Headrick!!!!!!!! Y'all need to learn to give credit when it is due. The kid rose to the occasion.
  2. Seems to me that you would know a kid personally before bashing him individually cobrakid8. Did you see the match in question? If you know the kid, I apologize, but if you did, you would know the passion he has for his sport. You would know what a remarkable story he has to tell. You would know what ungodly strength the kid has. He has made some unfortunate, rash decisions, but using bad language? What the he** are you 8? Wrestling is highly emotional, he said a bad word....and you're on here bashing him? He must've beat your kid and now you're butt hurt. The kid has matured and cleaned up his act, and then we have immature men like you, who cry about a bad word. I know the kid off the mat, and he's exceptional. Wrestling isn't a pansy sport like soccer. Give me a break!
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