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Everything posted by Ghostly

  1. Welfare is basically a stimulus check thats given out every month so that poor people will spend that money at big corporations businesses. Get that EBT and go to DG, Wal-Mart, Food City, or Ingles and give it back to big corp...
  2. Washington warned the nation of political parties in his Farewell Address, published in newspapers across the country in 1796. He feared that partisanship would lead to a “spirit of revenge” in which party members would not govern for the good of the people, but for power.
  3. actually he wasn't independent. He was of the Know nothing party. George Washington was an Independent and warned against political parties in his farewell address
  4. it was 3 letter with a . lol I see where you were going though lol
  5. Party is the problem though, "Party" all say the same thing, but the actions that the parties take never align. quick one question quiz.....Who is the only Independent president in U.S. history and what did he say in his farewell address??
  6. If Donald Trump and Joe Biden are the two best candidates we can run ill kiss your ####
  7. I live in TN so if you don't vote red your vote doesn't count. I will either vote Independent or not vote. one side is as bad as the other, but IMO Trump is worst case scenario because he cares more about self than American people
  8. No, but I do believe he knew before he acted, well before, with the interest of economy and reelection over American people and their lives.
  9. POTUS having to have his twitter monitored is an embarrassment
  10. He made the statement, "I knew it was a pandemic before anyone"
  11. By calling it a "democratic hoax", and then saying, "I knew it was a pandemic before anybody"
  12. I'm saying that instead of protecting people from an immanent threat he worried more about being reelected than he did the threat.
  13. Yes, Gas was also close to $5.00 a gallon then too. Just so happens his family was huge in the oil industry.....hmmmm
  14. Is that not a good thing to be on the side of, "for the good of the people"?
  15. Is it the Presidents job to be loved by American people or to protect American people from things that may harm them? Any job you have with authority there will be people upset with the decisions you make, its still your job to make the decision that you think is best. Worrying more about the economy because of an upcoming election instead of the American people and their lives is not doing that IMO
  16. I agree and I dont listen to everything they say at all, but uneducated and misinformed people do listen to everything someone says. Who was the presidents when the weapons of mass destruction came about???
  17. Trump is just as guilty as the other side....Fauci tried to help Trump. Fauci has served since 1984 for Rep and Dem presidents he doesnt have a political agenda. Trump ridiculed him because what he said would hurt the economy.
  18. A real shutdown is what should have happened in March (actually before then), but if it had happened then we wouldn't be worried about football season because we would be able to reopen by now. We handled it poorly IMO. We shut this down, but not that. It does no good to shut churches and schools down if everyone goes to Lowes together. Think about what didn't get shut down....Huge corporation i.e Lowes, Walmart, DG......
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