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Everything posted by Ghostly

  1. Who's job is it to lead the people of the United States? As soon as people say, "the dems," or ,"the liberals" or, "the republicans," or "the conservatives"... it is obvious you listen to thing from a one sided point of view and are a Zombie for one side or the other. How was the hoax comment taken out of context?
  2. Thats why me and you see the problem...Common Sense.....but the people that follow like zombies don't use common sense
  3. But when people are being told its a hoax and its going to disappear by POTUS how are they supposed to know to take it serious. Thats why we are in the situation that we are in now.
  4. Agree 100%, Riots are a cause, opening Beaches are a cause, States opening too fast are a cause, American people being told for months and months that its a hoax is a cause....etc etc
  5. I do think Trump hold blame for making people believe it was not as serious as it is. Calling it a hoax, saying it was gonna disappear, saying only 60,00 would die after Fauci had said we would be lucky to hold it between 100,000-200,000. He has some blame to fall on his shoulders for this, and has not handled the situation as well as others have handled things like H1N1, or Ebola breakouts. Yet he refuses to take responsibility for his actions or lack there of. He knew what this was in January and no action at all taken until March. Yes you are right about it being the Governors decision because Trump doesnt want the blame to fall on him so he allows people like Gov. Abbott to take the fall and be ridiculed for making the decisions he wasn't willing too.
  6. I can see your point about Americans being over weight because we are a consumer nation. I also think we have very good hospitals and resources to fight it off with as well though. The majority of China is probably not overweight but with some of the very poor living conditions many of them live in I cant see them not having a lot of underlying circumstances as well. Probably not the same underlying circumstances we as Americans have but nevertheless still underlying circumstances. I think the virus is being politicized and people have a hard time knowing what to believe. I think states with Rep. Governors opened too quickly to appease Trump EX: Texas. I think states with Dem. Governors wouldn't open even if they thought they could. However I think it best to error on the side of caution. Problem is Trumps claims, "It's the Chinese purge" one day and the next he claims, "It's a Democratic hoax." So from my point of view he cares more about reelection than he does American people or lives.
  7. Well do you see the virus as something to be concerned with or as something made up?
  8. So with you mentioning Reagan, do you think that Dr. Fauci is intelligent and deserves to hold the position that he does? I say that because Fauci has been serving the Whitehouse since 1984 under Ronald Reagan. I hear people scream and holler about how he wants to hurt Donald Trump. As far as I can see Fauci has served Reagan, Bush 1, Clinton, Bush 2, Obama, and now DT, and DT is the only one who people say he is out to get.
  9. IMO it has nothing to do with Liberals or Conservatives. I think it is a ploy from the wealthy. The economy was doing good before the virus came about, but im not sure what Trump did to help it. The middle class is what concerns me because thats where I fall in. I know Trump gave Corporate tax a break from like 33% down to 21%. Something like that basically only helps the rich get richer and doesnt really help the middle class.
  10. IMO it has nothing to do with Liberals or Conservatives. I think it is a ploy from the wealthy. The economy was doing good before the virus came about, but im not sure what Trump did to help it. The middle class is what concerns me because thats where I fall in. I know Trump gave Corporate tax a break from like 33% down to 21%. Something like that basically only helps the rich get richer and doesnt really help the middle class.
  11. Idk why you're mad at me? I simply asked a question....
  12. I really dont have a dog in the race and usually just read here and there, but this caught my attention. What has Donald Trump done good since being in office to help common folks?
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