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  1. Win games! Coach better! Try to relate to the kids! Be better all around! Quit crying! Tyner is a hot bed for kids bc they win at a great school! Kids are transferring at all levels of the game just the way things are. Pros do it in a way too. Crying or trying to throw someone under the bus isn’t going to help nobody just going to hurt the kid at the end of the day. Get better. Stop blaming everyone else. Respect the game!
  2. Win games. Stop worrying about what everyone else and focus on getting better as a coach and making your team better. Do you not live in the world we live in today?? Kids are the ones who want to play with their friends tyner wins games. That’s why they are a hot bed for kids along with being a great school. Kids transfer at every level of the game pros request trades move around all the time. It’s the way things are. At the end of the day you are hurting no one but the kid in this situation. Win games kids won’t leave. Be a good coach kids won’t leave. Crying isn’t going to get you no where.
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