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Everything posted by CdotRoller

  1. I don’t care about 25 years ago!!! I don’t care if you underline it!!! Seems like you’ve been mad a pretty long time! Let it go! It’s pretty simple…if you don’t like it, be that change. I’m not telling you what to do with your money but you could sell one of those beauties in your garage and hand pick you a coach. It’s a little disingenuous to continue to complain but not have a dog in the fight. Seems to me like you’re upset Mr Jones made a wise investment that continues to pay dividends all these years later…and through all your research and complaining, you can’t stop this ball from rolling.
  2. 100% I was on the other side until 2 years ago, my boys never had the resentment or hatred towards Cleveland, but we definitely wanted to compete and have success against them because they are the gold standard. But now that I’m on this side I fully understand why they are successful. Those Coaches pour into the kids, they have a community that loves and supports them, my son has the best partners in the southeast. He goes in every match thinking he can beat anyone because he believes in the guys that believe in him.
  3. Can’t wait until yall start fighting with each other about who’s got it worse.
  4. Gold Silver and Bronze in the Victim Olympics
  5. No I’m responding to 3 guys.
  6. Gear pays for Gear Cleveland and Minions Ive never asked where the team fees go, if it goes to the coaches, then it’s money well spent.
  7. Brother Let’s look at the facts. My post are written in response to your lies. Whining is the guy saying your funding is unfair…over and over and over again. Cleveland is only good because they get more money Cleveland recruits Cleveland has an unfair advantage because of that nice building I bet they pay their coaches!!!
  8. You created a thread “Cleveland Recruiting” Did you forget that? How many times have you said our funding gives us an advantage? How? Recruiting? Like the freakin thread you made?
  9. I’m fully aware of the salary cap. But you’re argument has been $$$$$ Here’s what we can do…we’ll fund raise you $1000 and not give Bosken a dime. You come over here and wrestle him. You should easily win…you got funded.
  10. So you’re implying that that money somehow benefits the HCWC wrestlers to the point it’s unfair to everyone else. Thats ridiculous.
  11. I have no idea!!! I’m from Knoxville. My son hasn’t received a penny. My son was NOT recruited. I pay for every event we go to! I pay for travel! I pay for gear! I pay team fees! and every single parent I know does the same, no exceptions. This blanket statement that Jones funds the program therefore you’re only good because of it is beyond ridiculous.
  12. I’ve asked 3 times to tell me what money my son got. If you can’t do that then yes YOU ARE LYING about HCWC’s funding/helping him. So again…what money did my son receive?
  13. So by your logic since the Dallas Cowboys are the wealthiest team in the world, built a state of the art stadium, and have a Billionaire owner…they should still be winning Championships now. What you and Ummmno fail to realize is culture matters! Coaches matter! And not having a losers mentality like you two would be an excellent place to start if you’re looking for a culture change. I’ve never seen people in a wrestling community make these weak, “woe is me” statements! Wrestling is a sport where you persevere regardless of the circumstances. You find a way to win to get what you want. If you as parents are sitting around telling your kids that they can’t make it because the other club has a nicer building and more money…you’re the problem. Winners Win. If your kids are in a room looking at the walls thinking how much better another wrestling room is, I promise you they ain’t beating us. My son isn’t at Cleveland because of the facilities, he’s there because of the people inside the building. I sure he appreciates the foundation that was laid well before he was a twinkle in my eyes, but I don’t think it even crosses his mind whether the room is nice, or big, or is the “nicest in the state” because he’s focused on wrestling. If what you guys is saying is true, rewind 2-3 years ago, when upper East Tennessee was probably a little stronger than the Chattanooga area. How did the Dupill brothers, Kodiak, Hunter Mason, Brayden Ivy, Colby Dalon, Max Norman, Caleb Wolfe, Lance Williams, Hunter Sturgill, and my son have any level of success?!?!? We didn’t have Cleveland’s facilities. We were wrestling in a dungeon looking facility that barely fit a mat in it. You know why because those kids don’t have a loser’s mentality making a ton of excuses about how bad they got it! “Oh Cleveland has better faculties than UTC and App St” if anything let your kids be a testament to how hard work pays off and adversity can make you stronger. As much as you guys hate Cleveland put that fire in your belly to use. Have you guys paid for your club coaches? Paid for better facilities? Done any fundraising? If not then put your money where your mouth is and build this juggernaut you claim is so easy to make with money. Grown men bashing and slandering kids because you have a ton of resentment because you want to be the first place finisher in the victim Olympics.
  14. Ok. So YOU tell ME how money I’ve never received helped ME. You are making claims you’re not able to support.
  15. No you proved my point. All the school that care about wrestling and are dedicated to growing the sport have a room. So the argument that Cleveland has an advantage by having a room doesn’t hold water.
  16. You make a lot of excuses. So tell me where the money allotted to my son has gone? We haven’t received a penny…so tell me what I need to go ask Mr Jones for? 10k? Partnership? Unlimited singlets and shoes? A parking spot outside the Jones Center? Maybe I can get the locker room named after me? You keep saying we’re arrogant, No. I simply don’t have a clue as to what you’re talking about. You’re on here slandering our program and our coaches. I don’t know a single family that doesn’t pay their own tab for everything. I mean you seem to have it all figured out…find you a donor and recreate Cleveland, it’s nothing special, just money.
  17. Because the Jones Center can host matches? I mean you’re reaching. You continually move the goal post…first it was most schools don’t have a room…now it’s the size of the room. OR Jones funds us now…(I have paid for everything to be on our team, including driving from Knoxville 3-4 times per week) to well he set you up 25 years ago for what you have now. I have no clue who funds or funded what…all I know is Coach Bosken setup a practice schedule and we’re in the room as much as we can be. My son practices hard, has great partners and great coaches and all that together makes really good wrestlers. The size of the room or none of the amenities that you think are so impactful have anything to do with the product HCWC puts out. My son was a pretty good wrestler when we came there…he’s only gotten better since he’s been there.
  18. So there may be schools without rooms I don’t know about, but most of the schools that are staples in wrestling have a dedicated room or area. So saying Cleveland having a room gives them an advantage over Knox Central or Knoxville Powell could be true, but how is it an advantage to all these other wrestling staples that have rooms also?
  19. Around me : Gibbs-Wrestling Room Pigeon Forge-Wrestling Room Halls -Wrestling Room SESI-Wrestling Room Heritage-Wrestling Room Hardin Valley-Wrestling Area behind Bleachers Seymour-Wrestling Room Alcoa-Wrestling Area behind Bleachers Anderson County-Wrestling Area behind Bleachers DB- Wrestling Room and I’m pretty sure Greeneville, Mo West, Jeff County, and Science Hill have rooms Arlington Bartlett Signal???
  20. The HCWC wrestlers we currently have in our room would be just as good if we practiced in the basketball gym, at the middle school, or in the parking lot. I’m grateful we have a wrestling room specifically for our wrestlers, but that’s not unique to Cleveland. I would say virtually every school in the state shares this fine luxury you seem to think only Cleveland has. So can you explain where all this money(you claim our wrestlers get) is spent? Please Show me your proof. If we pay for our own fees, our own gear, our own tournaments, and our own travel, then what’s left?
  21. Allan Jones flew me in here to see what’s going on
  22. I don’t have any issues brother. I’m shedding light on your “issues” with Cleveland.
  23. I wouldn’t know Alan Jones if I looked him directly in the face. I drive from Knoxville 3-4 times per week funded by “yours truly” My son didn’t go to Tulsa… If what you’re saying is true why wouldn’t Jones, Bosken, etc have paid for him to be there?
  24. Everyone I know pays club dues. Everyone I know pays for their own entry fees. Everyone I know pays for their own hotels and meals. If help is given, I’d say it goes to kids that really need it and I don’t know this to be any of the clubs best wrestlers. This seems like a straw man argument/blanket statement that isn’t founded on anything more than hearsay.
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