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Everything posted by Drogba15

  1. I've had the chance to play soccer as a youth in more than two foreign countries and had always been a top player among top level players, but theres sure is a big difference in the level of intensity and talents between the USA and other countries. Soccer is not a very popular sport in the US due to the big three and many other sports. I wouldn't say soccer has the best athletes in the US, looking at the exposure and love football gets. The US is definitely driving towards having soccer players as the best athletes, but its going to take some time before soccer can get the same exposure and love football and other sports get. That should play a big part in making soccer have the best athletes.
  2. Am hoping that Elizabethon win this one and move foward.
  3. Am going with South 2-1
  4. If U should rank players in east Tennessee on a skill of 1-10 with #1 as the top on Ur list, who are players that will make Ur list?
  5. I forgot to mention this. atleast only goals from this season.
  6. I was just wondering who are people with the finest goals and against what team did they score? how was the goal like?
  7. I agree. They definitely are the best.
  8. Any more details on the game? scorers? and people with the moves?
  9. Well, I'll say they are doing good so far. Their record looks impressive.
  10. Am not sure of his name, but that one CAK stopper is a good defender and should definitely be mention here. I think its Sam, but am not sure.
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