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Lil John

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  1. and yet you just showed the least amount of class than anybody, calling kids stupid?? as Bill Plascke would say, "SHAME ON YOU!!"
  2. I agree, these refs are awful! I watched the fiurst half and they couldn't get players numbers right, or the call, or whether it was 15 yd. penalty or half the sdistance
  3. so how does region 4 football taste?
  4. speed kills!! the hartsville line will be past the hampton O-line before they are out of their stance...
  5. Good luck Hampton, you're gonna need it
  6. I called it, I said Hartsville by 21, congrats and GL against FC next week
  7. hmm...could you use the same concept this way, say I perhaps I am an Atlanta Braves fan, and one would ask, what was the most memorable season? I would answer, the one when WE won the world series in 1995, does that mean I played for them or am even from atlanta? Nope, just a fan, nothing more.
  8. I am not from TC or even this area...yes it may have been tasteless, but some of the remarks towards these 2 programs have been just as tasteless. I did not think of this comment, just heard it from an acquaintence, I apologize if I offended anybody, but arguing on the internet is pretty much pointless. wrong, not even from here...guess again
  9. I got a laugh out of it, look at me, I am laughing now hence the reason I barely pulled a B out of comp. 2, I hate English!
  10. de nada ...also have a spanish test tomorrow too
  11. you know here is a quote for everyone, "arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, It does not matter if you win or lose, you are still a retard"
  12. 1987 for Gordonsville, longer for FC I do believe, not sure though.
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