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Everything posted by Macnarry

  1. I believe that a private-public split will be bad for high school football in the state. The private schools would begin their own association and make their own rules. The result would then be chaos with the players being pawns in a battle to get them to play at their school. The idea of winning a state championship is the goal of every team, but already has been watered down with several classifications. It is like summer ball when every kid gets a trophy for just being on the team.
  2. I just posted information from someone at the game. No one takes the results that seriously. You just do not want to get anyone hurt and make a respectable showing on the field. Redrage, this is not 1968. There is no Selmer High anymore. Don't quit your day job, your jokes are not working.
  3. McNairy County edged Bolivar in their seven-on-seven practice today. The Bobcats scored five touchdowns to three scores for the Tigers. It is a fun way to have an early scrimmage and the players enjoy it.
  4. BIGPURPLEMACHINE, I do not want to call you out for your honesty, but my sister does not cook. Plus, I did not think you and The Bulldog liked girls. I am not a troll. I am smart enough to get two puppies to bark.
  5. It does seem our Milan friends have some insecurities about their team. I think it is time you two got out of your mama's basements and put the mouse thingy down. The 'old' Milan teams would not have gotten excited about beating a team with a losing record. I guess our team and your team have something in common, neither of us have won a championship lately.
  6. TheBulldog. You can talk about me all you want, but I can tell you TCA is a deacon in his church and one of the finest men in Tennessee. He has never been inside a bar in his life. I can tell you I am not sad nor pathetic. I've given you some attention for today, so you can return to your doghouse.
  7. Ryan Nixon will be their star wide receiver this season. He could play tailback or quarterback, but he will be a star somewhere on offense. Ramer boys will be the team leaders at AHS.
  8. Coach Brown passed up an offer to cross the state-line and coach the Kossuth Aggies next season. He would have returned to full-time status at KHS had he accepted the job. Brown did not feel it was a good thing to leave his alma mater one year into a major rebuilding program.
  9. Margie Coleman is talking about transferring from district rival McNairy Central to Chester County. It will be interesting to see whether she is eligible to play or not. Her younger brother is staying with the Bobcats.
  10. The Bulldog, we prefer dating girls. I do not know your preference, but to each his own. We may have problems winning football games, but we have more fun after the games than you.
  11. cardfan, do you want me to get a legal document from the attorney father about the church visit? Strangely, the coach introduced himself to the lawyer's son (an 8th grader) as the coach of Adamsville. Who does that at church? McNairy's coach can legally talk to junior high players at Michie, Selmer, Ramer and Bethel Springs. When he comes to talk at Adamsville Junior High, then let us know. If the other MCHS coaches are recruiting and you have proof, let the TSSAA know about it. We do not have to cheat to lose.
  12. Red Rage, the Adamsville city line goes to Crump and not Pickwick. The AHS rulebook is written in crayon and can be changed when it is necessary to make you feel about your latest deals. Adamsville has a more strict admission policy than most private schools. If you are from Selmer or Ramer and can't play sports, you are not getting in the school. Remember, your school is overcrowded! AHS did not (R ) in football when Danny Combs was the coach. Your current coach even went to a church to talk to a junior high player last year. You can try to alibi out of that one, but Nick Saban would draw the line at going after a player in church.
  13. Bobcats live in a Roundhouse, not a glass house. We could not afford windows back in 1969. CardinalFan, you believe in the tooth fairy if you think AHS does not ®. Coach Massey began the deal in 1980 when he convinced Randall Avery to come from Ramer to play at AHS. Randall will tell you today he made a huge mistake. Coach Bridges' favorite saying was 'you got to take who gets off the yellow bus.' Coach Browder's connection at Michie helped begin the trail of Blue Devils going to AHS. Do you think AHS would have done as well in the early-80s without Sambo Carroll, Terry Nixon and Jimmy Sides? No complaints i
  14. TCAIntense, you and your brother were much smarter than your cousins when it came to making decisions. Shame on you for mentioning the 'R' word because no one at AHS would ever think of doing that. Coach Bridges is one of my all-time favorites. He may not have beaten MC in football as a head coach, but he did help them win as a great defensive coordinator. I must add he never did it with any Selmer players on his team!
  15. AdamsvilleDad, I got in trouble with the SPCA for beating a dead horse. CardinalFan, I knew someone in A'ville liked me. cardfan, you should know my CoachT name is a tribute to Joe Bridges. Coach would never have dropped Macnarry from the schedule.
  16. Could the problem be our favorite "Travel Ball" team does not have anyone around them that count to five? #commoncore
  17. Milan has the best football tradition in West Tennessee. You have to respect what they have accomplished over the past 45 years.
  18. AdamsvilleDad, is your idea of culture going to Alabama? Have you been to Alabama?
  19. cardfan, you know the stat is correct. All the AHS touchdowns last year were scored by someone that did not play at Adamsville Junior High. No other school in the state could say that. AdamsvilleDad, Ross Burcham lived in Hardin County when he came to play at Adamsville. I guess AHS can change their name to Tri-County. You may have noticed that McNairy has lost to many teams in the last few years. Adamsville is not the only team to have beaten us. Just remember, we are not the team that popped off about upgrading our schedule and then set up a series with a losing team from Alabama and Middleton!
  20. The stat that tells everything about the 2014 Cardinals. They did not have a player that played at Adamsville Junior High score one touchdown for the varsity last year. There is no other Class 2A and probably Class 3A school that could have that happen from their main feeder school and still get to the state semifinals.
  21. Not a troll. I am a Bobcat and proud of it. I do not remember our coach mentioning a timetable on winning. We can handle a loss to Milan, been there and done that. BigPurple, you must have had a personality bypass at some point. You are just a bit uptight about a game scheduled for this fall. wingman10 (with the tiny w), name me one coach in the history of football that did not say his team was going to win at a booster club meeting.
  22. TCAIntense, thanks for the compliment. You are a smart man and got the humor. You are a proud alum. DCTIGERFAN, relax and enjoy life. The Bobcats have never lost a game to any private school from McNairy County. BIGPURPLEMACHINE, we are not in the business of spewing venom or being a hater. You might need to worry about South Gibson. Those pesky county schools can sting.
  23. The 'travel ball' team of West Tennessee may have to be choose between being classified a public or private school team if the TSSAA splits the schools. Adamsville is supposed to be a public school, but they encourage (can't say the R word) players to play for their team. They have the audacity this summer to try out a player from another school and see if he is good enough to play for their 'travel ball' team. If the coach decides he can't play for them, he can return to his former team. I guess he could be considered a Butch Jones term 'blue shirt.' Wait, you can't use the word blue in Adamsville.
  24. The word is one of McNairy's quarterbacks was at Adamsville practice. It is interesting that no AHS players ever end up at McNairy's practices.
  25. I do not see the logic of adding Middleton to the schedule when the word was they wanted to upgrade their schedule.
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