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Everything posted by Bacillum

  1. Tyler has a baseball scholorship to MTSU.
  2. No we ALL don't know. But yes, starting out the gate so strongly should result in a playoff spot. However 2007 is everyone's year so far.
  3. No we didn't do it in pads. This was all before pads.
  4. That pretty much sums it up. Coaches can ask any question they want and make you do push ups for whatever they felt like. The obstacle course was not that hard if you had any wind about you, except when we had to bear crawl the entire length. You do the course twice, and you must beat the first time or do a third time. It turned into a pride issue about which team had the best time. The quotes were hard to remember and when you do pushups, the team would face away from the school because we disgraced the name of Oakland. We had to stand at attention and at ease and if anyone messed up we had pushups from 1-10 depending on how the coach felt. Boot Camp is made to strengthen the mind in all conditions.
  5. Only the Blue and White in school game. We are working on being good at the basics. Oakland will take care of Oakland this spring. And Oakland will win.
  6. I am not a doctor, but bleeding blue sounds like a bad thing. He might want to get that checked out.
  7. After winter. Duh! But anyway, I believe it starts the week after Spring Break. We will be doing Agilities at the end of this month, followed by Boot Camp.
  8. Relax man, don't get so worked up. At the time that I posted, McGowan's locker was cleaned out and so I assumed the worst so that if he came back it would be good news. He has come back and with the work ethic to show his commitment. Day by day Oakland is getting better. We even have several stay after school to get some extra work. So don't be surprised in the coming months about what is going on at Oakland.
  9. I did to Pricless. In my head I was wondering how an Oakland player was going to help Wilson Central.
  10. No you really don't. You aren't on the team, and therefore don't know. This is a different team that is doing things that have not been done before. McGowan is gone by the way and he was the slowest of our starting backs. He ran a 4.8. I will not say that all our skilled players run under 4.8, but most of them do.
  11. No it doesn't, you need to learn about our team before you post.
  12. We don't want to crack the floor or any weight. I have never tried putting metal weight on power clean, but if it can happen without damaging anything we will try it.
  13. Yeah Stell and Griff are going to Cumberland next year. By the way, Tony will break the power clean record because he threw 290 EASY! The only thing that is going to stop him is that we can only put 3 45lbs weights on each side. We need to get a bigger bar.
  14. It was not just some little argument. It involved McGowan leaving the weight room and taking his stuff with him. And there was no tailwind, because no wind was blowing at all. You are getting your running days mixed up. We ran 100 yard dashes with a tailwind.
  15. Barrett got a 5.1, Elrod a 5.1, and Bowen a 5.2. This is a probable D-Line.
  16. No idea, one of many questions to be answered in the coming months.
  17. I don't know about Epps, but Kendall has said several times that he is playing football after basketball season ends.
  18. "Big 78" is Derrick Barrett. He is 6'0'' 270, but does run 5.2 sec 40 yard. Look for Elrod, Barrett, and Mcadoo or Bowen to start on the front. Offensive line wise, all we need is a left tackle, but the competition is going to be tough this year for any position.
  19. There was at least 60 players that showed intrest in playing but I think about ten will end up coming on. Hopefully I will be surprised though.
  20. I have no idea about Sinor, OakIand knows more than I about him. Quincy, Schaller, and Boyd are all possible QB's but spring will narrow the field down. Players trying out might also make a different, but I don't think so. The O-Line is returning all but one, so an experienced line will be a factor. People are going to be shifted around until the Riverdale game, so where people are during spring is the place that coach thinks they can help the team the best.
  21. He living in the zone right now. Hopefully he will be back at Oakland soon.
  22. No we don't just change the words, we get entirely new songs. The Siegel Game was the first and included all the schools in Murfreesboro. Jay and Quinn made new beats, lyrics, motions, for the Riverdale game. There will also be new ones for up coming games.
  23. I have seen first hand what it is like to not have decent center. A team can only run a third of the plays, because the ball is usually on the ground. After center, I would say noseguard, or inside technique depending on the defense. If the noseguard is taken out, a seam is made that any running back can make yardage out of. Noseguards help keep guards or center off the Mike and keep the line of scrimmage set.
  24. You don't pay attention very well He received the award for being the toughest and most determined player. The name escapes me, but it is not the James Hutchinson award, and I don't believe that it is Ray Hughes award. There are three and I can't think of last at the moment.
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