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  • Location
    Pulaski, Tn
  • Interests
    Soccer!!!!! I love soccer, but I play softball also. I've started since my 8th grade year at Richland High School. My 9th grade year I made All- District 12A/AA in soccer and in softball. This year in soccer I made All-District 12A/AA and All- Tournament Team. I hope to go to college and play soccer. Some of the schools I'd like to go to are Belmont, UNC, Penn. State, or Vandy. Actually i'd like to go anywhere, but those are places i'd love to go.

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  1. Ever since my 8th grade year i had the worst time with my ankles. I remember my freshman year i tore all 3 lig. in my right ankle then as soon as it was better i tore all 3 in my left. Finally my mom, who is goin to school to be a physical therapist assisstant, got me to go to her boss and do strength training for my ankle. I had ulra-sounds, estim, and rubberband strengthening for about a month. i have to say now that i do the rubberband strengthening i have been sprain free for about 4 or 5 months. Shoes...idk maybe it's just me and the fact i constantly think about it, i dont like to wear nike shox for basketball. i wore them my 8th and 9th grade year and i constantly rolled my ankles. I now wear a diff. shoe than my team because they (whoever we get our shoes from) kept sending the wrong shoe. I have to say i am glad they sent the wrong shoe 3 times. Ankle braces: IF YOU ARE AN ATHLETE WEAR THEM!! GOOD OR BAD ANKLES BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW!! be safe.
  2. I have been a Richland High school watergirl for 3 years. This past friday was the worst call ever in football history!!! i know a little about our plays, but on friday i was fooled as much as the refs. idk if it was supposed to be an option and it didnt work, but one of our running back was on the ground and curled up as if he had the ball. the refs blew the whistle to get all the houston co. guy off of him and our qb is running into the endzone with the ball. the refs blew the whistle as if the play was over and the ball was dead, but it wasnt. the refs called the td back. man have you ever seen an unset crowd? if not shouldve been at that game. the fans were still talking about it after the game. idk how that situation shouldve been handled but that is the first time i have ever been fooled along with the refs.
  3. what was the final score of the forrest spring hill game?
  6. last week at school we talked about this. a friend i play soccer with talked about how their cousin plays on a team with 2 schools combined. they combined them bc they didnt have enough at either school so they got together and made a team. idk what the processes were for the school to combine.
  7. i agree with winning and losing as a team, but i can name several games where players havent shaked hands. they walk by lookin straight ahead, not saying a word, or shake your hand. im not sayin what pickett did was right but wht's the difference when you walk in a line and nobody says anything. only thing that yall see wrong with pickett is he didnt walk through the line. he coulve walked through the line and said nothin. would you have made a big deal about it then???
  8. lol my dad said the same thing. i went to the dr. so it's all good. i dont have to wear a mask. barbie the mask you are talkin about does protect your cheeks more. mom bought one and i hated it. i had to completly look down to the ground when id make a save. i couldnt see anything. i just hope i dont get hit in the face. my dr said maybe if i get hit in the face and get lcuky it will straighten it out and i wont have to have surgery after soccer...just thinking about it hurts.
  9. i asked a friend who is a referee, and he said that this year face masks, like for basketball, are permitted. he told me that ill have to get it from a doctor. well if i get it from a doctor they'll have to specially form and order it. that will take too long. so i believe that i will play til it bleeds then pack my nose and go back in. idk what else to do. anybody know of anywhere to get a face mask. (not from a doctor)
  10. thanks. i was just wondering. i didnt think id be able to. but i really wasnt sure bc im a goalkeeper....thanks though
  11. richland wins tonight! great game for the raiders! at half time the score was 27-0! all week ive heard how bad the conduct of both teams were goin to be and i saw nothing. we commited a few penalties that bit us in the butt; however, we had i believe 2 defensive touchdowns so that evened everything out. im so proud of how we played tonight. i hope the will and fight for this victory starts a great season.
  12. i have a broken nose will i be able to play with any face protective gear?
  13. At end of the yr maxing before summer. richlands gabe rardon put up 305 on the power clean. a 405 bench press a 455 3rep squat and a 365 incline.Richland has 10 guys gettin 225 or more on the power clena they are the strongest in the region.5 over 400 on squat 6 over 300 on bench.they are getting very strong and they stil have summer to go.
  14. Richland isn't some knock over team. we played east robertson to the end and won. richland starte dplayin better at the end of the season and richland should of beat camden. but east robertson is a very good team.
  15. At Richland if we run out theirs always the corn field behind the stands to set in.
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