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  1. That may be the stupidest thing you have ever said. It is a stupid rule that in no way needs to be inforced. Like someone else said I've been on the losing side (75-0) but I got over it and it didn't scar me for life. Let the kids play and whatever happens happens.
  2. Well I believe I can post about anything on this site no matter what school it involves......but oh i forgot you're the great swanson and can tell people what to do. By the way if you're going to tell people to shut their mouths you might want to take your own advice cause you talk about everyone during basketball.
  3. I wouldnt talk about football not being a sport for Jackson Co. if I were from RBS. HA HA HA!!!!
  4. Well back to the topic I think that two of the best umpires in Middle TN are John Lashley and Rick Eaton. Sorry, if the names are spelled wrong but if you've ever had them you'll know who Im talking about. Very profesional and do a great job.
  5. The Funeral will be on Wednesday at 12:00. It will be held at the Macon County football field.
  6. They played two games last night with each team winning one. Macon won either 5 to 4 or 4 to 3 can't remember and Upperman won 3 to 2.
  7. They haven't played yet. I think they are having a double-header in Macon Co. today. (4-5)
  8. Its not a rule just up to the coaches in the district.
  9. Just wondering how Smith Co. was under the direction of their new coach. Good Luck HARV!!!!!
  10. My question is what kind of teams are everyone playing to have this many kids hitting over 5 & 600? Don't get me wrong thats a great accomplishment it just seems hard to believe.
  11. Well if you were as smart as you think you are you would know that if Macon does not play in the tourney there will not be much of a gate at all. RBS people might come out for their games but thats it and if Westmoreland is in the finals they will have a decent crowd but noone will pack the place like Macon and you know it. Therefore, they are making RBS alot of money. SO NOW WHAT?
  12. Someone asked about the Christmas Tourney if I was Macon there would be no way I would go and make RBS all that money.
  13. Well I have seen Grace play and if Temple is about like them then it could get ugly. However, it is tourny time and things happen so I'll say RBS wins by 15. Even though they are probably a little better than what the score will indicate.
  14. I don't consider that downing RBS. I just ask a simple question in response to something that you wrote. I could care less how cocky they get or how much they run their mouth I was just asking. Don't get all bent out of shape and for RBS sake I hope they don't let the pressure get to them like it seems to be getting to you. Don't get so defensive and think that everyone is always trying to pick on pour little RBS because for your info I've got family in RBS and wouldn't mind seeing them win it!!
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