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Camper (1/14)



  1. Ya'know, how many times are your going to say maryville is not intimidated, we get, now LET'S GET IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ARE READY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Keep Laughing, by the way, I get your reservation @ Murphyboro, I don't think you be needing them. And i have more excuses for ya if ya need them, parking lot too small, ect.......
  3. Yeah, and look at who gave them those two loses, lol GO MO-WEST!!!!!!!
  4. The field is as good as it get for a Tennessee November, but I am sure if the Rebs, loose there will be something wrong, too cold, moons were missed alignment, wrong socks.....
  5. Enuf BS, lets let the kids bring it Friday night. No, No wait,,,, I need some more fuel for Mo-West, keep talking Maryville; we do our talking on the FIELD! I guess if ya'll are the King on the jungle, and it hard to be humble, then that makes us the thorn in your paw. We can live with that, and no need for crying about the game being on sat. Both teams had to deal with that. GO! MO-WEST be the chink in the armor! You have did it so well in the past. Mo-WEST by 3, Maryville crying about the color of the grass or something.
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