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  1. I think you are confused, zachinman84. I meant that if it were an accident that the girls hit Emmanuel, why did the lady from Liberty get so upset? You need to read my post again. And by the way, she didn't pop the thunder sticks.
  2. justaperson, just wanted to tell you that the lady from Liberty who snatched the "thunder sticks" (and btw I am glad to know what you call those things!) did go to the adult from Wayne Co. who was involved and apologize for snatching them away from the girls. The lady from Wayne Co. would have none of it. I just have to wonder if it were an accident would she have been so upset in the first place? At least she apologized. That's all.
  3. Waynecofan, the only reason we've been discussing Emmanuel so much is because 555dog was consistently bashing him or giving him backhanded compliments, and I don't care where 555dog is from or if he or she is a parent or child -- that's wrong. And also, if 555dog is not from Wayne Co., he/she sure is hung up on them -- and don't get me wrong they are a great team. I'm just saying why is a "Harding Co. parent" so interested in the WMS team? As for the rest of Emmanuel's team mates, there is no reason to feel sorry for them -- they had a great season. You can bet if they any one of them had been disrespected like Emmanuel was as they walked off the court, I would have been just as upset. They are great kids and I love them all, and I'm not the only one who feels this way. I don't understand your comment about the Liberty fans. At least none of us hit one of your players in the face as he walked off the court defeated or have gotten on here and bashed any of your players in any fashion, an action "indicitive of today's society," I guess. Congrats to your team on their win.
  4. I saw the same thing -- I saw him shake the player's hand and then head to the locker room. And I was so impressed how he just walked on when those girls did that to him, because as I said -- two wrongs don't make a right.
  5. Emmaunuel did nothing to those girls to solicit their treatment of him. And furthermore, as for whatever you say Emmanuel did or didn't do before and after the game, do two wrongs make a right? Not in my house.
  6. I certainly wasn't smack talking anyone. That honor goes to 555dog, who has done nothing but slam Emmanuel Andrews. Let me say again what a great team WMS has and what a fabulous game they played. Congrats to them.
  7. Thanks for posting the facts, Crunchtime. I really don't know why 555dog feels the need to try and tear Emmanuel down. It's so unnecessary. The fact is, Emmanuel is a great player with incredible talent, and the fact that Liberty lost the game does not take that away. Sorry, dog, but it just doesn't. No one has bashed any of the WMS players or denied they played great, because they certainly did. That makes me confused as to why 555dog feels the need to keep on with this senseless and uncalled for bashing of Emmanuel Andrews. He certainly doesn't deserve it, just like he didn't deserve what those girls did to him as he was walking off the court. And live4basketball, as for your apology, it seemed rather backhanded. In response to your comment "If a mother had been there, it wouldn't have happened," well, I sure hope my children treat other human beings with kindness and respect, whether I am around or not! If I misunderstood you, then I am sincerely sorry. I'm thinking this thread needs to be closed and if 555dog can't stop trashing Emmanuel he/she needs to be banned. Good grief!
  8. I am very proud of him too. He's a great kid. Now go and "wipe your brow."
  9. Exactly right, bballrocks. Not ONE WORD of reprimand was given to those young ladies. And Emmanuel, gentleman that he is, simply walked away without saying a word. And what you said is exactly what went down. Check your email again. I think I figured out the problem.
  10. OK I sent it and it came back with "permanent fatal errors." I know it was the right address because I sent it through the website of where you work. WTH????
  11. All I have is your work email and I sent you a message there.
  12. Well, I definitely know who you are and I already have your email.
  13. No, no, you are not dumb and you are not wrong. I can send you an email if you want. I tried to use the personal message feature on the board but it must not be working.
  14. Not exactly sure who Represent! is, cat. I'm trying to use the personal message feature, but the board won't let me. Maybe they'll figure it out.
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