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Everything posted by red_nation

  1. Thanks to everyone who helped with the banquet last night.I thought it was great.Whats your thoughts.
  2. I'm sorry if i hurt your feelings.I didn't mean to put words in your mouth.But its like this,either you think the o-line did a good job or they didn't.Can't have it both ways.I would take are o-line and put them against anyones.Its like one guy said on here after the Meigs game,and you can go back and find it.It said please tell me the o-line are all leaving.He was talking about how big the holes were for are backs to run through.I look for them to be a force this next year because they work hard and believe in each other ,and have alot of experience.They all love the weight room.And their all dedicated.They are greattttttt kids to be around.And to all the parents ,i say be proud of them.You have done a great job on raising them to be respectful young men.
  3. Since i'm not worthy,would someone else mind asking slobber this question.I think its a great one for him to answer.You see he either thinks that Sanders needs to go to or the o-line done a better job.So someone on here as the be worthy enough for him to answer. p.s.Merry CHRISTMAS to you also Slobber. well i must be like a pilot and fly. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.
  4. I'm guessing your waiting to answer this so that it will be my CHRISTMAS present.
  5. Hes back in school today.He had a concussion and is real sore.Has to go to his own doctor today,but it seems like every things okay.Thanks for all the support and prayers,it was a little scary for us this weekend.I was like coach Gregory though,how can you concuss something when theres nothing there to concuss.Hope my son reads this and gets a laugh,hes needs it, he has no car now,But he can be thankful he has his life.Anyone that has a kid driving,make them come out here to the lot and look at his car,maybe the sight of it could help save a life or a serious injury.One parent called me Sunday and said he had just heard about it.Said he seen the car and the 1st thing he asked me was,how serious is JOHN RAY.I said hes got a concussion and is sore ,but that seems to be it.He said how did he make out of that car and i said the hand od GOD had to be on him.
  6. Everyone has the right to say what they want,even you Slobber.But one thing i'm having trouble with is what your saying here.Now i feel like Coach Dave is a great coach and knows his business.I've seen that.Now Coach Sanders was brought in to help on the o-line and d-line.Coach Dave had some health issues this year,so coach Sanders took over alot on that o-line.And done a great job.Coach Dave helped has much as he could but was limited.He's health was far more important.And thank GOD hes doing much better.But yet you don't mention Coach Sanders at all.Are you not happy with him either or is it just another poke at coach DAVE because everyone knows you have something personal against him.Like to here your answer on this.Just curious.
  7. I think mobriant made has rb.They don't list fullbacks.But i do think you can vote for a fullback in the rb position.I think clough made it has a db.Think he played qb some and when best was back he was rb,not tightend.But i may be wrong.
  8. Also I think Hudson got rb and Jackson got qb.and Pickett got db,i think.
  9. Yes your right on the 1st 2.And Rayl as a db. I know on 2nd team for SEQ.If i was told right,Jake White made LB.and Elisha Moser made qb.
  10. One thing that we have to take in account.The players on here are in certain postions.You see you vote for 1 qb and 3 linebackers,5 off.lineman,1 tightend,4 def lineman,2 rb's,3 def backs,and 2 rec.Thats what these kids made at those postions,its just not broke down.I know that BELL from seq.was a off.lineman.Some of the players you list could have got beat by 1 vote.Thers also a 2nd team thats not listed,would like to see them.Also the ones that made 1st team,if you know what pos.they made it in ,please list.Congrats to all that made it,there good choices.
  11. We've not really discussed this yet.Once we get the older kids in sink,then we will open up to the 8th grade.More then likely it will be after Christmas.That way the older kids can help them to.
  12. starting Dec-3rd at 6.30 am.be on mon.wed.frid. will also be afternoon workouts for the ones who don't come am
  13. I meant to answer this yesterday and forgot.Monday we had 34 and Tuesday we had 34.Iknow of some thats not been their,because of being sick or doctors app.I know of 8 that are in other sports right now.So thats up over 40.Of corse thats not counting 8th graders.Thats also not counting a few i've heard of that says their playing who are also in other sports.But the 8 i'm talking about are ones who played last year.The great thing is their were 13 seniors there.Thats the most in a long time.Right now with the seniors that are in other sports,that would put us uo close to 20 seniors.Thats a great number.
  14. You know i look for middle school football to happen sooner or later.But it could be in 1 year or ten.Until it does,there are some things we can work on.And forgive me if i misspell,i was never in a spelling b.One thing ,i think that would be a good idea with the juniors,is to bring both teams to the high school one day a week and practice together.And i mean fundamentals .The high school coach"s i'm sure would love to be part of that.Fundamentals are the most important part of the game.That way the kids are together and the L.L.coachs also can see what the high school coachs want taught.See 1 problem is the L.L. coachs work why were at practice so its hard for them to get there while were with are kids.Most of the time L.L.don't practice till 6 o'clock,thats about the time we get done.So i think if we could do this once a week it would be great.That way the kids get to know each other and the coach"s all get to know each other.You can even let them have fun by spliting them up for 30 minutes or so ,like a game.But what i mean by this is kids from Vonore and kids from Madisonville would be on the same team,and kids from Madisonville and kids from Vonore would be on the other team.That way they are working together and getting to know each other.I think the kids would love it.But thats just a few ideas,i'm sure you guys could come up with alot more.And at the end try to put them together for a bowl game.When we did this that 1 year,it was 1 of the best years for me as a L.L. coach that i ever had.Now you kinda have to see how the playoffs go.but if nither 1 makes it,it can be done.And still can be done if 1 or both make i think.Just at a later date.There is alot things we can do has coach's and parents to make this work.But we have to step forward and do it.We need all the coach's from both L.L.'S and the high school to be on the same page,working for the same goal.Just like to see what your thoughts are on this.
  15. Has anyone heard who made it yet.The ballots were supposed to be in by the Nov 16th.
  16. I would like to say,and this is not taking sides at all.But i sat on Greenbrier's side,not to support them but just to watch a football game.When i got there centrals side was full and Greenbriers wasn't.But i must admit it filled up quicky, right before the game.You'all really brought a big following.Just was a little late getting there.But with that being said i talked to some of the fans around me and they were some nice people.Never did i here them bad mouthing or even running their mouths at all.They new where i was from and treated me with great respect.One guy came up to where we were at half time and just talked football.All i really seen was fans that really backed their team.Thats what high school football is all about.I was really inpressed.If some of you remember me and where i'm from,i would love to play you'all in the 1st round next year,it would be a honor.I just hope you have to travel here.Since its a 3 hour drive.Good luck against White House.
  17. Just a few notes. The booster club meeting is at 7:00 pm at SEQ.on July 23rd. Also clean up day is at 9 am on July 21st.Need painters .plummers and carperters.
  18. aug 17th jam.at loudon .against meigs. aug 24th at sweetwater 7.30 aug 31st gatt.pittman at seq. 7.30 sept 7th open sept 14th at mcminn central 7.30 sept 21st chatt.notra dame at seq. 7.30 sept 28th at east ridge oct 5th tellico at seq. oct 12th at grundy co. 7.30 ? on time oct 19th polk co.at seq. 7.30 oct 26th at chatt.howard 7.30 nov 2nd meigs at seq. 7.30 Someone can post this under schedules. my pc won't let me for some reason.Make sure you pop up blocker is off.
  19. You know i sit here and read alot on this board.And its seems 99 percent of it is great stuff.The rest seems to come from good old slobber. 1-I would like to say,on your comments,it doesn't make me mad at all.Sometimes i get on here when i'm having a rough day,so i can get a good laugh in. 2-I didn't go after this job at all,no asking anyone for it nor begging for it,or even hinting for it.I was approched about it.And i know what i do is with the best of heart.Thats why i open the weight room at 6.30 am 3 times a week.I am there every time we're doing something.But i'm not saying you question that part of it,because i think i remember you saying you don't question my heart ,and you know i care,at least i can thank you for that.In fact i make so much money doing it i need to start my own bank.L M A O 3-And i have said and you can ask this question if you don't believe it,that if someone comes along and wants to vol.coach that would do a good job,just say the word and my feelings wouldn't be hurt at all.You see there is 3 vol.spots and right now there are only 2 of us.I've talked to a few people about doing this job,and the answer is almost always the same.My work will not permit it,or i don't have the time.But i guess with you it would be better to have 4 coachs instead of 6. 4-Now with what i read,you really dislike coach D.You only made a few comments toward me,and they were negetive to.Its not hard to see that you have something personal against coach d.It might be that you wanted that job and didn't get it, or maybe its over a son thats played or is playing that didn't start and you blame him because of it,i don't know for sure,but its plain to see thats its personal.But i will say hes a great coach who works his tail off,and not just coaching but working around the feild.I will go a step futher and say that he knows alot more about the game then i do.I'm proud to have him working with my son.And one more note,just to clear the record.The last 2 years,we didn't have say so on who started and who didn't. 5-And just to clear up on kids dropping out.Theres not many that has.I may be wrong but i can only think of 2 that gave it up that played last year.Now some of the others that have gave it up have been some thats never played before,or didn't play last year.But has far has i can think,none of the ones that played last year have quit,other then the 2 kids,and we have picked up some new ones. 6-And this is my final one.Every one has a right to read and post on here.Even if its in a negetive way.My problem with yours is that, someone who would call their self slober knocker would'nt hide behind a screen name.If your not willing to give up who your are,then maybe you need to change your screen name to something like hidden brook or i'll never tell, or something like that.I've never tried to hide who i am on here,even from day 1.If i talk about someone then they know where to find me.Its not a secret.So i would ask,if your not willing to give up who you are,then please cont.reading and posting,just do so in a positive way.And if you want to keep on bashing when you get the chance,which seems to be every other post,then be a true slober knocker and tell who you are.
  20. On june 19th at 7 pm in the school cafe.there will be a booster club meeting.This is a important meeting.Its a election meeting.Also going to go over the road block in Vonore.They need people to work it.Its a good way to make some extra money.Also if you have your exxon card back please let me know so i can keep up with it.So far i know of 16 teen that has theirs back.But i have not talked to everyone.Lot more have been mailed and we need to mail alot more.So if you have not got 1 come and see me and get 1 filled out.Its a greatttt way to get some big money,but we need your support.IT don't cost you a thing. Set your calenders now for the meeting.June 19th at 7 pm.Its time to get our butts in gear. And on a simple note.Slobber sounds like you need to give a camp on off.line stuff.You must be a expert.Just guessing.
  21. Coach Gregory will probaly need help tomm.on the 31st.Hes moving in his new house.If you have nothing to do call me and let me know and i will get you in touch with him if you would like to help.
  22. Was wondering who has there exxon cards back.I got mine saturday.Let me know who got them so i can keep up with all many there are.If you haven't filled out a form and would like to come see me.Its a great fundraiser.
  23. Note:The buzz started off by saying they printed todays letter without editing it.Now go back and read it again and look at how some things are spelled and etc.Kind of scary i think.
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