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Everything posted by Indianfootball24

  1. Since i have played against both teams i guess i can get on here and post what i think this game will come to be...ok GP has the best rushing attack i have ever seen and i don't think to many people can argue with that...CPA has a good offence but what makes them good is they keep you off-balance, you never know what play they are going to run, they have a big running back and a big quarterback that can run and pass and some speedy recievers. Both defences are stacked, i would give the edge to CPA in the defence catagory just because they are little more physical than GP, dont' get me wrong though GP is almost just as physical. So the offence has to go to GP and defence to CPA...so with that said i think less points are going to be scored than what people say.... Goodpasture-31 CPA-28
  2. Alright i think i have things pretty much figured out... Ezell still has to play: Goodpasture/ DCA/ FRA DCA still has to play: Harpeth/ Ezell/ E.R. E.R. still has to play: FRA/ CPA/ DCA If Ezell wins last remaining games then that they are in If DCA wins out then they are in If Ezell loses to Goodpasture and DCA....and E.R. beats FRA and DCA then E.R. is in If E.R. wins out and Ezell loses to DCA then they are in If DCA or E.R. loses 2 of last 3 then they are out If E.R. and Ezell win out then Ezell is in due to the tie-breaker of head to head I think that is it except for if E.R. beat FRA and DCA and DCA beats Ezell and Harpeth and Ezell beats just FRA then it would be a 3-way tie between the 3 teams and i don't know how that tie-breaker will go down... If anyone else has anymore scenarios then let me know...and if you know how that 3-way tie would go down then post it!
  3. Anybody know the scenario's for this region's playoff teams?
  4. Well i'm going to take up for Fairview in this topic, they are a very well coached team and very physical, love to hit...haven't seen CPA play this year but have been hearing really good teams about them this year! I'm just expecting to see a closer score but really can't make a prediction due to the fact that i haven't seen CPA play....just a little closer than everyone thinks is what i would say...
  5. Goodpasture and CPA would straight up destroy any team you put up against them over there! Fairview could to, don't know if they could do like GP and CPA but they would win, one team will move on from 6-2A and the other 3 from our region...
  6. Hey good luck from over here at East!!! I know we are having a really bad season but that doesn't mean we have to wish bad on other teams! Seems like yall got it all together again this year but don't slip toward the in, yall push and fight till yall get there and do the dang thing! I'll be there to support yall and i want yall to know that i respect every single one of yall and seniors do yall's thing, cause after this its over and yall know how emotional that is going to be, just going to be a little sooner for us than yall! But hopefully yall will be tears of joy then sadness Dec. 2nd!!! YALL GO GET STATE!!!
  7. Alright well i guess we can just ignore him cause thats his whole purpose on here is just for us to worry ourselves with who it is! But anyways yall go out there and get it done tonight tuck! Good luck to yall and all Fairview fans coming down have a safe trip up and back
  8. Must be a Jo byrns guy...well sorry you don't like me man, whatever i did to ya sorry bout that to and i didn't talk any smack about really any game this whole year but anyways and i told everyone after the game that i hope yall go win state but anyways we're prepared for the game, night before so hope everyone is ready for tomorrow!
  9. Yeah he got me good but its all ok cause my teammates don't think that and coaches so it don't really matter what he says...doesn't really bother me at all, just somebody trying to work me up cause they know that kind of stuff makes me mad and yes my little brother is an awesome football player and is going to be great in the future...and zeke i got to play about 15 plays in the Jo Byrns game and started against Goodpasture and again this week but its ok if this guy wants to say stuff like that but to bad he doesn't wear a jersey! Back to the game cause nobody cares about that stupid stuff....any other opinions on the game? A day and half till the game and i know everybody at east is exited, hope fairview is to, i hope it will be a very hard faught physical game! Good luck to Fairview!
  10. Welll we have got 2 more ppl this week back but don't really want to say who cause it might help fairview in their game planning for this week but it will help alot, still got 2 more out but they'll be back to so if we can get this one and the next then we will have everybody back and watch out cause that is going to be a healthy east team! appreciate the support raynok!!!
  11. Appreciate that Shep!!! Thanks for all the support from over there in Jo Byrns....we're starting to get all of our people off of injuries and things are starting to look up in practice and school, everything, yall just stick behind us and maybe we can win 3 of these next 4 and go to the playoffs! If not we'll be there to support yall Week 12
  12. Liking the attention this game is getting! Just wanted to say we're getting underestimated, we're starting to get our injured players back and yet to play to our potential but we'll be ready friday night! Good luck to Fairview and all fans traveling up, be safe!
  13. Ok as much as East Robertson doesn't like Goodpasture, i have to give them some credit...they have 4-6 runningbacks/wingbacks/fullbacks that can just flat out fly....Shantz Medely, Reece Lovell, Tracy Mayes, Benjamin Cunningham, Dwayne Harris, and i think i'm missing #9 but he can fly to...he got the ball against us and i swear he ran those 35 yards in 3 seconds, he can flat out fly, all of Goodpasture's backs can roll and even there pulling guards and tackles can run...watch out Alcoa they are coming for yall! Represent 5-2A Goodpasture, GOOD LUCK TO YALL!
  14. Fairview is coming of a more than impressive win against DCA Friday night so they travel to East this Friday, is anybody giving East a chance? Key points of the game?
  15. Yes Spurrier was there along with his son the WR coach at South Carolina...if you were sitting in the visitors bleachers he was in the far right section in Goodpasture's stands...he talked to Tico after the game and he realized that we were down this year and Goodpasture is one of the top-ranked teams in the state so he was impressed with his play...Steve Spurrier Jr. texts Tico probably 50 times a day cause i'm with him most of the day and his phone just doesn't stop! But anyways great game to Goodpasture and good luck the rest of the year...i would put yall at "MACHINE STATUS"
  16. yep the rumor is true! he is coming down tomorrow after tonights game, hopefully they'll win so he won't be in a bad mood! but yeah we'll see yall tomorrow!
  17. Closer than the experts think my friend
  18. Yeah i know your exactly right! But at East this year we just don't have the depth, we knew before the season started that if ppl went down then we went from alot of experience to no experience at all! But you are right that you have to have depth to go far or win the ball! I hear that GP has 12 defensive linemen that switch in and out, now that is depth, gosh! lol...good luck to yall this friday!
  19. Alright Zeke i got you dude! I'm getting tired of you getting on here saying something bout what i got to say! I mean how can you say it doesn't affect us? 6 starters to 6 players that have never played on a high school field??? Yeah guess that doesn't affect you to much...get real stupid!
  20. Well after the 2nd game of the season we had 6 starters out, 4 of which played both sides of the ball so the injury bug really isn't in our favor this year!!!
  21. I dont think there was as many ppl at Jo Byrns this year then there was last year at East...just didn't seem like it but you were out in the stands, how did you think the crowds faired???
  22. Well guys i didn't talk smack all week and i guess yall know the reason why! I woke up so mad cause there's nothing i could really do about it, last night my leg still wasn't 100% and all i could do out there was make plays north and south not east and west so it just stinks not being where you want to be out there, not being to stop and cut. TO ALL JO BYRNS PLAYERS: I know we have our differences but i really respect EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YALL, man yall went out there and did yall's thing, yall are a TEAM! which is so important, i mean yall all have each other's back and i see yall doing big things this year and i will be there to support yall in the playoffs to see yall get there! I'm not going to have a Jo Byrns shirt on or anything but i'll be there cheering for yall with my E on my jacket and still proud to be an Indian! And to the seniors for Jo Byrns: Tuck, Tramont, Parker, Colton, Hankins, i know there's more but just can't think cause i'm so mad...lol...yall are showing great leadership out there and i like what yall are doing! Man i hope yall go out there and do big every week! But anyways nice meeting you Shep last night and GOOD LUCK TO JO BYRNS! yall were the better team! just nothing else to say!
  23. Ok i know we got beat but you ain't got to be starting stuff with me at all, i played cool all night except for at the end just cause i was frustrated! I only said all that stuff cause i thought he was talkin bout me! But anyways Kurt did his thing tonight and i repect him alot, great game to all of JB and good luck to yall the rest of the season! Lol...got to say it since yall got us in 1 sport, basketball and baseball will come! lol...just had to get a little trash in there but you know i mean all good by it!
  24. Appreciate it coach!!! I'm kinda getting worried now because of the rain and i don't really know how good my footing will be so a short prayer for me if you will cause i don't want to go out there and mess up my baseball! Coach said i would only get around 10-20 plays cause he doesn't want me to get hurt again but i'm sure once the blood gets pumping i'll forget all about my leg and just play like i used to!!! I'll update ya on the score when its over!
  25. I think yall are a great defensive team! I mean out of the 2 games that i have watched seems just like yall have no problem stopping anybody, and i think offence may be a little weaker but orlando and kurt are really good additions to yall's team, they are both playmakers. And as soon as Shane like really gets there, i mean just a little more experience dude then yall's offence is going to be dangerous!!! I was suprised to see you at OG, what up with that?? Alright man i'm off to senior breakfast, we'll see yall tonight!
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