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Mamma says...

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Everything posted by Mamma says...

  1. Thanks, everything went well. Adam told his doc that the paper said that he would be back by 2nd round so he needed to do a real good job. The doc laughed, but didn't buy it. Oh well, Adam tried.
  2. Adam's surgery went well. He got away with a plate and eight screws, rather than the two pins as planned, (broad, as it is long, in Adam's eyes), but no damage to the inner ankle. (Good news, finally!!!!) Adam is doing well and feeling okay. He asked that I thank everyone for their prayers and all the nice things you have to say about him. He did try to get on here the other night and read some of this, but didn't make it past the first page. So, now we just kind of give it to him in a nutshell and he is very appriciative. Friday's getting closer and things are getting harder, but it will be fine. Adam wanted me to tell all players everywhere "Good Luck this week and play every second as hard as you can play. Be safe, but hit hard and thank God every time you get a chance. #25 will be routing for you. Peace out"
  3. Adam won't get to attend this week's game, but plans to be on sidelines with his team until the end. This week Adam will be sending a future bulldog #25 to represent him.
  4. If you had not called me Jen, you would have still been a mystery to me, but now I know who you are and you better be nice.
  5. Again, we would like to thank everyone for their concern for Adam and give an update to those of you interested. Adam goes in for surgery tomorrow @ 2pm to have a couple of pins put in his leg. This is to ensure that the bone heals properly and prevents future damage. Also, while they are doing this, the docs also plan to go into the inner ankle and make sure there is no damage there (I don't like that part). We are understanding now that he will be in a cast for a couple of months, the first on crutches, then a possible walking cast to finish. Rehab, at some point and time. Approximately four to five months from now, they will go back in to remove the pins and he should be fine. So, your continued prayers would be greatly appreciated.
  6. Coach Shelton, the Cosby coaching staff, Cosby players, parents and fans, Adam, his dad and I would like to thank each and every one you for all your kind words, thoughts and prayers for Adam. It is very touching to know that people can look past all the controversy surrounding this game and still have enough dignity to express concern for him. Again we thank you. We know in our hearts that noboby hurt Adam purposely and we only direct blame towards fate. It happened and we are dealing with it. Broken bones heal. Some people may think that all this is trivial, but to us and Adam, as many parents know, after Christ, family and friends, football is a way of life. We wish the best to Cosby. To Hampton's Coaches, players and fans, We also want to thank you for all your concern. Over the weekend we have had a ton of visitors and phone calls and it is very nice to know that so many people care about Adam. You all have really helped us in dealing with this. Adam never wears his heart on his sleeve, so we don't really know how he is actually dealing with this inside, but is strong and he will be okay. Adam told us that even though this may hurt his chances at getting a scholarship, he is more concerned that he let down his coaches and his team. We have explained to him that this is only a minor set back and not the end of football forever and he understands that. Adjustments will be made and life will go on. As for Hampton, they are a talented team with great coaches and they will be fine. As for Adam, he may not get the scholarship he was hoping for, but he can "walk on" anywhere and he will be fine. Adam goes to the Orthopedic doctor Monday morning and we will know more about his situation then. Tim Cooke, Hampton's trainer and a PA at his ortho office, is very good at what is does. Adam is kind of a VIP there and Tim knows more about Adam's bones than anyone, so we know Adam will be taken care of. To everyone else, We, that are posting on CoachT, hiding behind a fake name and a monitor, should remember that the kids that we are calling names, making fun of and laughing at because of blown plays, missed assigments or injuries, are the same kids that have the heart and guts to bust their butts every day of the week to provide us with something to discuss on this site. Not one person (on this earth) is perfect. We all fail at something everyday and we were made to do so. Could you image how embarrassed we would be if there were sites like this one, set up for everyone to read, so that our bosses could discuss how we do our jobs, our spouses to discuss how we drive, or (the worst one) for our kids to discuss our parenting? We need to give them a break, they are only kids. Again, many thanks and God bless you all. The Townsends
  7. Good luck to Colton from Jo Byrns and to Jordon from Cloudland on a healthy recovery.
  8. Thanks for all the concern about Adam. I know he really appreciates it. Adam did break his leg tonight, but it seems his heart is broken alot worse. Adam will not play the rest of the season. He broke the fibula (I don't know if that is the correct spelling) bone in his right leg, which is some small bone on the outer part of the leg, and the ER Dr thinks there may be some damage to the inside of the ankle as well. He will see the Ortho Dr on Monday to find out more about that. Again, thanks for all the concern. Now, for the cause of his broken leg. Adam said it was a clean play. He said one tackled him at his ankle, while at the same time, another one hit him up high and he felt it break. Adam knows it was not intentional. It seems Cosby and Adam's broken bones just kind of go together. Last season, his arm, this year his leg. So, I guess the silver lining is that he will never have to play them again. It's bitter sweet. And besides, he running out of bones to break. Good job to Cosby on giving Hampton a hard fought ballgame and congratulations to Hampton on the win. I didn't see much after the first play, but Hampton players, Adam and I are very proud of you for the way you stepped up tonight. Great job. We'll see ya next week at Chuckey Doak. Adam and Traye will be there on the sidelines and I'll be on the fence.
  9. Thanks for info! Temporary? Is that astro turf?
  10. Hampton will be traveling this week (tomorrow) to play Grace Christain. Where do they play their home games? I have heard they play @ CAK. Do they? or do they have their own field @ their own school? Anyone know?
  11. First of all, you all only spit out "RESPECT", so that you can say you said it, then you go on and on and on with your blah, blah, blah. You all want people to say that Cosby is a good team, fine I'll say it...COSBY IS A GOOD TEAM. But if you all want people to say that you all have proved it, it ain't gonna happen... not yet anyway. Two more games and we'll let ya know. As for adding fuel to your fire, you might want to remember...if you play with fire, you might get burned!
  12. Are you a coach for Cosby? I hope not! And you say we run our mouths (Hampton)
  13. Maybe this should be a closed door discussion with the coach. Naming one player over another only makes you look bad. Not to mention, everybody (not associated with Cosby) now thinks that you are a parent of Miller.
  14. Yeah, yeah, yeah, everybody knows Cosby is the best team in the world. They bring only seven guys to the game, most of them are only 3rd & 4th graders and they still manage to beat the most talented teams in football and only let them score seven points per game. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!
  15. I can see you giving Cosby more credit than Hampton, they haven't beat you...yet!
  16. Hopefully, for the sake of the rest of the world, we have the only copy of the Hampton song
  17. Thanks for the good things you've had to say about Hampton and about Adam, not everyone is misunderstanding your posts. Good luck to Temple this year!
  18. Isn't that the way it works when you have kids?
  19. Don't think Hampton is looking over Unaka this week either. I remember last year Unaka came up fired up and ready to play. They just ran out of steam too early, but the first half, they played us hard. We expect the same and more this year. I don't think in no way, that this game is sealed for Hampton, I think we will have to give four hard quarters to pull it out. Also, I don't think that Hampton is ready to be called the real deal, but I do think they have the potential. Seems that against Unicoi, alot of players stepped up and played they way we knew they could play. All our players will have to bring their best game to the creek. Good luck to both teams this week on an injury free game. Go Bulldogs!!! Michael Carpenter, you are one of my two favorite Rangers!!!
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