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watch out for Sunbright


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Sunbright could be the surprise team in 2004, the only concern is their youth, they will feild a young squad this year. but they do have lots of young talent, they will have a young o line. Sunbright also has a very talented quarterback in sophmore Jordan Young. If sunbright can stay healthy i think they will have a good season but all it will take is a couple of injuries and it will be a rough year for sunbright.

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WHO WILL be sunbrights tailback this year.How much is there best offensive lineman pressin and whos there fastest player.


sunbrights tailback will be heath abercrombie, but they are mainly an option offense. their fastest players are jordan young, willie dutton,heath abercrombie and dustin lavender if he is healthy by the start of the season.

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o yea watch out ladies and gentlemen cause sunbright is going to be steam rolling over people. Me personally i dont see sunbright winning over 3 games. Yea they might have youth but heck what will that do you if you cant get anything good out of them. Ill give sunbright some credit but heck they havent had a good year in a while.

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Sunbright returns three of the top defensive players in the region back with Dewayne Hutcherson (LB), Josh Ross (DT) and Heath Abercrombie (S) set to star in 2004. They should be pretty decent up front, and they do have some skill players: Hutch (FB), Jordan Young (QB), Abercrombie (TB), Willie Dutton (WR) and Dustin Lavender (TB-WR). If they can stay healthy, keep games close and keep their turnovers at a minimum then they could surprise some folks this year.

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I don't see them beating anybody in the region but Oakdale but I could be wrong. Their quarterback, I'm guessing it is the backup from last year that started after Miles went down could hardly even get the snap last year much less make a run. He would had to have improved drastically over the offseason. I just don't think this is their year, but give them 2 and they could be back contending for the region title.

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I think a lot of the suprise players will be coming from wartburg, because that they lost so many seniors many key players will step up and take leadership roles such as jerrel inman, brent laymance, and seth george also upcoming freshman lineman jarod sellers. I also think coalfield will have a few suprise players it all depends though on who stays in good health.

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