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Fans on the band wagon


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Perry County apears to be the same way with their boys team. After the girls game tuesday night, about a third of the fans left. About 75 or 80 more bailed when Summertown took a 10 point lead in the first quarter. By halftime, half the home town fans were gone. Through the ENTIRE game only about 30 people clapped. Noone stood up and yelled. By halfway through the fourth quarter it looked and sounded like a Summertown home game.


Not just pitiful. Pathetic.




That's just about every night for us these days.

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Well ptguard12, I can honestly say that I have done all of that except for the aau thing.  I have opened up the gym, opened the weight room and offered weight training but when they practice 3 hours a day six days a week I can only get two or three to show up.  And really I cann't blame them too much because I'm sure with practicing six days a week plus games.  I'm sure they get burned out and need time for themselves, their families and for homework.  They are together pretty much all summer getting ready for camps.  They usually attend two camps per summer.  The Waynesboro camp and the coach likes to go to Florida which last year he wanted to go to Pittsburgh but didn't because most of the parents wouldn't let their kid go because most feel that there are plenty of good camps to go to that will work on individual skills as well as team skills that are within a 500 mile drive.  Most of us sent our kids to FHU last year.



Then you are a step ahead of a lot of parents. At least you are trying to do something about it. Alot of people just want to complain about the coaching, players, and fans but never want to do anything about it. It is nice to see a parent who cares and tries to better the team when others could care less about them. Even if you can only get 2 or 3 to show up, at least there are 2 or 3 that really cares about how well they are doing. One day, all of their hard work (and yours) will payoff.

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Hey'you i know just how you feel . my son plays and he hates it because you can't get the fans in the game . He says it just not a B-BALL town and never will be /BUT we are going to try to change that /JR.B-BALL/and maybe a coach that will push good players to be better /better to be best ... BUT THEY MUST WON'T THE WIN ....if you try to get the fans in a game here most of them look at you like /sit down shut up and wacth the game . but my son love's to play here /because he loves the game.

Edited by horsefly38425
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