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rlh last won the day on September 18 2022

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  1. Glad you are back. I was trolling Geno and hooked him on the first cast.
  2. Edmonton Elks, LOL. All Gas and no brakes . . .
  3. Copper Pan may be improved, but they will still lose every region game except maybe Lookout Valley.
  4. I said in my post that Whiwuhl could finish anywhere from 2 to 4. To be any higher than 2, they will have to beat SP and C-Prep otherwise beating Sale Creek won't matter.
  5. We will find out early in the season how strong C-Prep is going to be given they start out at Boydie and Howard and Brainerd. SP goes to Oz the 1st game of the season. These 2 will be the teams battling for 1 and 2 in 1A Reg 3 with Sale Creek possibly 3rd. C-Prep plays Sale Creek the 4th game of the season. Lookout Valley and Copperpan will be battling it out for 5th and the in the region. Whitwell could end up anywhere from 2 to 4th.
  6. Was that the same year Jasper got beat by Copper Pan and Lookout Valley?
  7. SP will have a Lehr Jet operating out of the Jasper Airport to Carrol County and Back 2x per day.
  8. it happened at Jasper in Dave Baxter Stadium when the Jasper Indians were down by 60 in the middle of the 3rd Quarter, that Ridley man's sign went dead. @Southtowner @The Drunken Sailor @team69
  9. Pirates are young this year. Gordy can sleep on them.
  10. Trez's last scandal has died down, so I guess this is there opportunity to be the best 4A team playing in 2A a la Sissy MTN. At least they won't be in a Z-district with 1a teams in the regular season.
  11. What in the cat hair is an Innovation Academy? That's a bunch of mess. Those boys are really good or really bad because they have Brentwood Academy, MASE and Bradley Central on their schedule and have enough money to travel all over TN and Ohio.
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