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Everything posted by tbiggs

  1. That real smart Lathum, Munford's winning a lot down there,
  2. I have sit back and read what a great coach this guy is and I have watched for 2 years, bone head after bone head decision. A Brighton 1st and 2 and DONT GET IN ! with a 210 pound quarterback and don't even try a sneak, run the same side all 4 times. We had cramps all night, never in the last 20 years have we not been in game shape until this goofball comes a long. We're not fundamentally sound, we're not in shape, there is no emotion on the field or sidelines, obviously he hasn't look at any film to see how Covington has been a powehouse for over a decade, it sure as heck aint running that offense(if you can call it offense) he's running. I guess we do look like a single A private school. The talent is there, not as much as in recent years but enough to do a lot better than we are.
  3. Congratulations Haywood, However I see a team that is by far the most talented in the region but because the lack of discipline you seem to work against yourselves. If your going to make a run in the playoffs your going to have to stop STUPID penalites because of you spouting off at the mouth and take care of business on the field. Shut your traps and play between the white lines. Just that simple, Haywood can go a long way if they learn how to win, they are their own worst enemy. They need coaching up and a big roll of duck tape for some mouths.
  4. Alright Choctaw Nation, Your having the begining of a great year and it's well deserved but as Coach Parcell's says "act like you 've been there before".
  5. Being a true, cut me and I bleed purple and gold!, charger. I am so tired of hearing all the negative from so many fairweather fans. The truth of the matter is, you all have been spoiled. You have no idea how hard it truly is to maintain the level we have for over a decade. We graduated 19 seniors last year! 16 of those have been seeing playing time since they were sophomores. You don't replace that kind of talent in one year. I haven't missed a game in over a decade and I see, seniors who won't lead and players that won't fight. Bear Bryant can't put that there so it's not near as much the coaches fault as so many of the naysayers are saying. FYI the Covington Gridiron Assocation does not have any say what so ever on hiring or firing of any coach. I know they did many, many years ago but that was a mistake then and that is no longer the case. We simply support charger football with our talents, money, and many hours of hard work. As a matter of fact they could use some more people to get involved. Please remember these are 15-18 year old boys and they need to know we support them, not run to your cars when a bad play happens or sit on your cans on a 3rd and short, or even better a 4th and short like you did Fridaynight against Munford! It's time for some true character to show, it's easy when your winning but we're not right now so let's support these kids. It's a long way from being over! Go Chargers!
  6. Northside will win big, N.S. too phyiscal for Dyersburg. Dyersburg is good but N.S. is awesome. Holloway is good but not the banger inside Delk is. This will be the difference in the game. Dyersburg can shoot the three but not as phyiscal inside as N.S.
  7. I would like to congradulate Dyersburg on their big win Friday night. Ya'll beat us in every facet of the game. Obviously ya'll have our number. For some of us it was a very blue night. The last time I'll see my son play as a Charger. However you are a very classy group of kids and coaches. I appreciate your graciousness and class act. Good luck and bring that big trophy back to West Tennessee!
  8. On behalf of the Covington Chargers I would like to wish Dyersburg the very best next Friday night. Let's bring that trophy back to West Tenn. You were a class organization Friday night and ya'll beat us at every facet of the game. Obviously ya'll got our number. It was blue night for those of us with senior kids playing for the last time but ya'll were very gracious and classy. Thanks
  9. Trojans fans forgive Charger Dad, He 's forgot his medication this week. There are those of us in Charger Country that have faced the reality that We haven't beat Dyersburg in the last two meetings. We had the team to get it done but none the less we haven't got it done. This is the time of year when it's rather stupid to try to make all of these predictions because the fact of the matter is, these are still high school KIDS who wake up in a different world everyday. When you think you can predict what they can do, you'd better be ready to eat a fair share of crow. (CHARGERDAD!) It will be an intense affair and the stakes are obviously high either team has earned the right to be there. These two teams will decide it, not referees or anyone else. See ya Friday night!
  10. Charger 74,Charger Dad pull up your black socks and get back to P.E. class because it's pretty obvious your a.d.d.. The last thing we need is to give the trojans some bulletin board material. Predicting the score is has silly as guessing who will win the next lottery . Those people are amazing, just because you buy a $5.00 ticket all of a sudden you become an expert and a coach! It will be a great game, come on out and buy a $7.00 ticket and sit back and watch the KIDS play and the COACHES coach and enjoy the greatest game in West Tenn. I predict a great game, nothing more or nothing less. Go "Super" Chargers
  11. I've been reading all this stuff all season. It's pretty obvious when you read it, who wore black socks to p.e.. Being a Charger Fan was really fun Friday night. Notice I said fan not a coach Lighting Bolt or Charger Dad for goodness sake enjoy the game and quitt coaching. Coach Murpree and his staff won't be at your job so quit trying to do theirs! After reading all the post last week, and watching Crockett warm up it was pretty obvious that they waiting on Dyersburg insted of the Chargers. We were more phyiscal, and simply more ready to play. However it was amuzing to see the team that got a sportsmanship award kinda lose it. It easy to show good sportsmanship when you win, but different when you lose. I want embarrass myself by predicting a score, because last week ya'll were'nt even close. I'm charger fan in the rain and mud as well as when it's fair weather.
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