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Everything posted by FormerCteamPresident

  1. I bet you voted for Hillary, didn't ya????
  2. also.... from what I hear, if things don't change up on the Creek there's a good chance Unaka may not have a team.
  3. If Hampton and Cloudland consolidated, how many students would need to be "lost" to stay in AA?? That's just for you ol' buddy!!
  4. Me neither. But that's where the praying part comes in and we all had better start now!! It'll take a miracle of biblical proportions if that woman gets elected!!!
  5. In the grand scheme of things, we all can suffer thru and overcome 4 years of whoever gets elected. We may not be better off but we change after 4 years. What worries me is how the newly elected president will set up the country for 15/20/25 years down the road. I'm not an old man yet but my blinker is on and I'm preparing to turn in that driveway. It really scares me what this country will be like in 20 years (I'll be 68). After the election (I may not like who gets elected but) I will respect the job they have to do. Either way... I will pray that God will provide the wisdom to lead this country in the right direction!!
  6. A lot of people have brought up the fact that they won't vote for Trump.... I'd like for those to people to think about this: Justice Scalia's seat is vacant. Ginsberg is 82 years old, Kennedy is 79, Breyer is 77 and Thomas is 67. Nowadays, the data shows that the average age of a Supreme Court Justice's retirement or death occurs after 75. That means that there's a great possibility that 5 vacancies will come up over the next 4-8 years . the next president will have the power to create a 7-2 Supreme Court skewed in their ideology!! Think about that..... 7-2!! If the next president appoints 5 young justices, it will guarantee control of the Supreme Court for an entire generation. Your vote will affect the lives of your kids and grandkids. Do you want the past 8 years to continue for the next 25-30???? Hillary has made it clear she will use the Supreme Court to go after the 2nd amendment. She has literally said that the Supreme Court was wrong in its Heller decision stating the court should overturn and remove the individual right to keep and bear arms... PERIOD. Mr. Trump may not be the best choice but he sure beats the above.
  7. I know. I watched some of it. They were cheating so much I had to turn it off. You know that Milhorn man and Brummitt man are cowgirls fans. I don't know why I ever hung out with them.
  8. Woooooooooooooo, now you're talking old man!!!!! The only thing better than the STEELERS winning is when the cowgirls lose.
  9. I got $100 if you can get him to stay up there.... that sorry thang!!
  10. Hey brother... tell Coby and the boys CONGRATS!! We'll see y'all tomorrow!
  11. That Milhorn man.... pffft. What does he know?
  12. So the TSSAA puts EHS on probation for "nothing worthy of reporting". A friend of mine was right yesterday when he said that the TSSAA was just tired of EHS girls winning all the time and was trying to do something about it.
  13. Side note. .... yall hear about betsy girls being out on probation!?!? Recruiting violations. Ol len up to his old bag of tricks. Of course the EHS people I know have already said "oh there's nothing to it. Tssaa is just tired of us winning all the time" (that's an actual comment).
  14. Sorry dude.... pitchers and catchers started reporting. I'm in BASEBALL mode!!!!!
  15. I got a nice length of strong, new rope that would look real good on him. I tell ya this: If me and ol' Leon was still around, kids would be fighting to be on the baseball team! We'd teach 'em right.... especially how to bust up the benches and build a fire in the dug out!!! Lawd!! I thought Coach Taylor was gonna kill us!!!!!
  16. I'm still around and lurking. New farm and cows over this way had be busy all fall but I got her in good shape now so I should be able to make some large-round ball games. Ain't nothing better than the smell of leather in the spring and the "pop" of a baseball. Man....y'all got me all excited talking baseball!!!
  17. I don't know. Local radio (WBEJ) and tune-up radio app ain't working. POS!!!!!
  18. Uknoit2. .... I got a problem. I've seen the dogs play 4 times the past 3 years. They've lost 3 of them. I want to come Friday but thunk it's best to stay home. Can you, Milhorn and Brummitt handle it without me?
  19. Milhorn... now we're scraping the bottom of the barrel. He's about useless. I don't know about him.............
  20. I remember ol Pete from back in my days. He was part of the Poga crew that always sat on the first row. Didn't realize he was a veteran. God bless, Pete..... one dang good dog.
  21. Pujo: What happened to Lester's bulldog?!?!?!?!?!?!? I haven't been able to make any games this year but I figured the ol' girl was still waddling out in front!
  22. Are you serious???? Those CSB's backed out of basketball!!! probably first time in forever Hampton and Elizabethton hasn't played. Mehh... don't surprise me none. Especially with the coach they have.
  23. that's what I've been telling you guys for a long time!!! I'm sorry but when it comes to high school sports I have no respect for EHS... none... nadda... zip! I'd rather see the Cowboys win on Sundays..... and that's from a STEELER fan!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. Per Google Maps: Head of Stony Creek to Milligan (East/West): 29.5 miles Roan Mountain (NC Line) to Sullivan County Line (North/South): 23.8 miles Hampton to Poga - Sugar Hollow (East West): 17.7 miles
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