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Everything posted by jet4ever

  1. First of all the paper said he was relieved of his duties. So I want to know, if he is not able to coach at CCHS why is it okay for him to go and coach at Stone? Hasn't he screwed up enough kids' high school years? For some he has even screwed up more than that. The problem at CCHS was the lack of leadership ( we will not even go into his coaching ability). How can you lie and belittle and then expect kids to be knocking down the door to play for him. There was very little respect. From what I understand every player wrote a paper explaining their feelings and experiences while under his leadership (which tells me that the AD and principal felt their was a problem), then we shortly hear he has been relieved of his duties. Then we hear rumors that he may be going to coach at Stone. I hope that several taxpayers speak up and do not allow this to happen. What about the kids at CCHS? Are they left out to be screwed again? Question is this, will our school administration and board continue to play with our kids' emotions and future dreams, or will they step up and do the right thing? The right thing is for them to provide equal leadership to the kids of both schools. Schultz, there is more here than meets the eye, he needs to go back wherever he came from. He has done enough damage for a lifetime.
  2. Jetfan21 There are 300 to 400 more people out here that think you are absolutely right, and yes we know that the administration of CCHS football simply don't care about this fact. They should all stand up and take notice. The support for the football program is in jeopardy. These kids are wasting their time looking for a leader/coach in the unacceptable mess. As long as this group of whatever they are, are still in there coaching, funds will be hard to procure to carry the program. As far as JET PRIDE goes you should change your name because you do not have an ounce in you. You are adding fuel to this flame that will not be extinquished. Keep up the good work so maybe we can count 700 to 800 hundred more tomorrow. Time is all we have and politics changes daily, and I bet this will not go well on anyone's resume. This administration is a sad excuse for leaders of this community. They are more like child abusers taking advantage of kids that cannot defend themselves, and some of their parents are too weak to stand up for them. If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.
  3. I do not know who you are but you are sadly mistaken. You will be well to say that half of the team will be back and that is pushing it.
  4. I have seen the Jets play, and I have to agree with you. There is alot of talent that is not used. The coaches do not know what they are doing. In turn, these boys are in total dismay. There is a heck of alot of confusion on the field. Which the coaches are only to blame. See the thing is this, we know these boys and how they can play. These coaches are outsiders and do not have a clue and I don't think they really want to know either. We will see if they make it back next year. Would really hate to see that, since they have already ruined the football year for two senior classes. Let alone, I hear there are alot of boys in the school that would play if it were not for the coaches.
  5. You can get all the assistants you want, but the fact still remains as long as CC stays on the road they are on, they will remain going in the same direction they are going in. I hope the parents of these fine young men will step up and do what is right and just say NO! Since it seems CC's school administrators cannot or won't stand up and do the right thing. These coaches need to go. ALL OF THEM!
  6. This board may be all in fun but alot of truth is spoken here too. Jetfan speaks the truth. I don't think Schultz will be hiring anyone, at least in Cumberland County. He should have thought long and hard in the beginning about the assistants he surrounded himself with. Maybe his future here at CC would have been different. Prime example is getting Gora to assist him. I don't know where that lame idea came from. Schultz would have probably been more successful if he would have coached alone.
  7. Are you familiar with Meigs' coaches? How long have they been around? They did a good job Friday night.
  8. blueangel51 I believe you may be a little bias. Your Dad does all the taping at the ball games. He also gave an interview on the radio at York. Your brother is a good child but that does not make a good varsity quarterback. Also for some of the boys that you mentioned, they would still be there if it were not for our wonderful coaches. Right now there are at least 4 other boys on the team that could play qb as well if only the coaches would open their eyes. The blame rests on Gora, but the responsibility lies on Schultz. Your brother has alot of potential, but only if all outside influences stay out of his future. Stop trying to push something on him that he is not ready for and also is not what is best for the team. Hand offs need to really be worked on, main reason for fumbles. Most long passes were not caught because they were at least 10 yards off their mark and were caught by the opponent because they were the only player in the area. Also the odds are, if the same coaches are around the next year, if statistics hold to be true as they have in the last two years then his junior and senior year he will be sitting on the sidelines watching someone else play qb. These being the years he should be ready to play. Now I know you disagree with me on this, BUT WE NEED A CHANGE AND IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. He needs to keep his head up and keep putting forth the effort. I hope all the Jet players do the same, but I find it not likely that many will stick around after what has went on for the past two years. GO JETS!!!!!!!
  9. Stay focused Jets and go out there and win. You can do this, I believe in you. GO JETS!!!!
  10. cchsjet45 and all the rest of the jet players, Talent is something that is God given, a special gift. I believe that all of us have a talent, most never know what it is. Skill is something that is taught. With the skills that we are taught in combination with our raw talent one can achieve great things. I believe each of you can do this. Football games are not won from game to game, they are won by preparing everyday all year long. A coach or teacher helps each one of us to develop these skills. This applies to everything in your personal lives, which will affect you for the rest of your life. What you put in is what you will recieve. Give it your all. It has nothing to do with Martin Jr. High becoming an elementary school, contrary to what the guy with the chip on his shoulder may believe. Go Jets
  11. For several years I have watched and supported these kids for thier efforts. I have witnessed a very smart and talented group of kids decline instead of growing. They work hard as they are instructed but all the time they look confused. Their record shows this decline, except in the kicking game for obvious reasons. As an outsider it is my opinion that something is not working. The motivation they must have is not there. So, Mr. Schultz/Mrs. Graham, it comes down to you. To all you Jet fans out there, we have a chance to help make a change in this mess of politics. Come to the game and bring as many other people as possible to support these kids and their efforts. To all you Jet players hold your heads up and go out there and show everyone who you are. Let your talents show through this maze of confusion. You must get back to the basics and rely on what you have been taught in the past. Give 100% effort every play and you guys will compete. The great teachers you have had in the past will coach you through. Your Jet Pride has been bottled up too long, now is the time to let it out. Thousand of us believe in you!
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