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Everything posted by TigerPride

  1. How many of Bakers hires are currently a head coach at Meigs Co high school? Yes his record inspires confidence. :roflol:
  2. Sorry for our loss. My confidence in our ability to hire a good coach is low. Our best hire could be right under our nose and we can't see it. We need our director and school board to be involved with the hire and stop depending on one guy to make the hire. It would be safe to say his judgement of coaching talent is not very good considering the turnover and the recent developments in the the coaching fiasco.
  3. What? Part of coaching high school is teaching young boys to be young men. Running away because the talent is wayyyy off is teaching the boys to run from problems. I have read several of your posts and I dont think you would run from your team if the talent was down. Stay and fight to get better is a sign of character.
  4. Word is he had multiple run ins with the administration. We have been told how good each freshman class has been for the last five years. Hows that worked out for us? Now lets get to the root of the problem. How many coaches in how many years? Face it, our program has been ran into the ground. Will Martin be back? I hope not, he has already left us twice for greener pastures. He also left our program in a financial bind.
  5. And to believe I thought things were bad last year. It was my first time to see us this year, as my daughter would say, OMG.
  6. Thanks wingman. The community appreciates Holiday. The administration does not. The principle would fire him today if not for that tenure thing. It is no secret that the principle has a dislike for Holiday.
  7. This has to be the most "not understanding whats going on post of all time". Who in the community does not understand the situation? How does it cut both ways? Coaches that have left and the reason: Eller(first time) - Eller was frustrated with administration, namely the director of schools Baker - 2 much work load, spend time with kids Martin - money and frustration with the admin, promised things that were never delivered, new lights. Eller - Baker wanting 2 go in a new direction, had nothing 2 do with community. The community has not turned on any of these coaches. Everyone of them left for either (1) personel reasons (2) frustration with the admin (3) money, or (4) all the above. All the hires and fires fall directly on the principal. . Yes the football community did give an assistant (1) a hard time but they supported the coaches much more than the administration. Noticed our new lights yesterday, nice. 2 bad we could'nt have had them for Martin.
  8. I never once called for Holiday to get the job, trust me I've had my ups and downs with him. It has always been about the kids with me, if you go back and read my posts my problems have been with the admin for not helping the kids with a coach. I never had a problem with any coach that the admin has hired and as I have said we will support them, unlike oldcat who has bashed Holiday at every turn. I have never bashed a coach, just the admin. I'm sure the new man will do a fine job and I look forward to meeting him. So please dont lecture about support and loyalty unless you have had a kid go through this mess like some of us have.
  9. Miss a week and we hire a new coach. Congrats Coach Jones and Clint Baker. oldcat, whats your problem with Holiday. Sounds to me that some fans are showing loyalty to a coach that has stuck it out through thick and thin. You need to support him also. We will support our new coach and we will also support his staff. If you are who I think you are, you had your chance at coaching and couldnt make the cut.
  10. Didnt give him a chance huh? and that's fact? but he was the defensive coordinator? hmmmm. Ive never known a coordinator that didnt have input! Im sure on the times that Baker has talked to Holiday he listened to his "new ideas" and obviously didnt like the direction. I think the community should come to the conclusion Holiday may be a great guy but may not be best head coach, and rally behind the guy that the administration feels is the right direction for the program! It just sounds to me like some outside people wanted this Holiday guy hired and that may pose a problem for the new hire. I hope he is ready to deal with what may be a HUGE problem! People like you are why we don't trust outsiders. What do you know about our community? what do you know about Baker or Holiday? Why are you assuming Holiday ,or anyone else for that matter, is going to cause problems. it appears that you are the troublemaker. I can assure you Baker listens to the community. How do you think he has found a way to fit into our community? He became one of us, we didn't become one of him. Trust and respect have to be earned, not given because someone gets on here bad mouthing OUR people. Its fine for us to talk about our own, but not an OUTSIDER. Bottom line you know nothing about the situation, so SHUT UP.
  11. I learned last night that no one has been interviewed in over 2 weeks. I also learned that we may be losing a another starting lineman to Rhea Co. Does anyone in the school system care? Maybe Don will step up and hire someone. Its been too long, apparently Baker can't do the job.
  12. I heard at graduation today that we have lost another key player. He was a 3 year o-line starter. He is transfering to CAK, frustrated with our coaching situation. In the meantime our administration does nothing.
  13. This issue has been on the back burner long enough. I never in my wildest dreams thought this issue would get 15 pages before Meigs hired a coach. Oldcat, when was the last interview? I was told Holiday coached the scrimmage by himself due to Harris wife having a baby. Congrats Coach Harris. Is ole Rick going to be kicked to the curb, AGAIN?
  14. As it seems Baker is unable to hire a head coach, what about assistants? Why do we have only 2 assistant coaches?
  15. AA, think you are talking about Gary, I'm talking about Jeff. Name one player on the 95 team that was offered an SEC scholarship. Oldcat, I went to several middle school games this year, same amount of talent as we have now. Same as now, several keys athletes won't play, therefore putting us in the same position. Everyone has an opinion, this is mine. I'm not on here to argue, but to state the facts as I see them. This current group has had players leave,, or not play, that took us from a region contender to a region doormat. Any school our size cannot absorb defections for whatever reason. Why are the kids not interested, only they could answer that. AA your capital letters scare me, relax man. Everyone has different opinions, accept it. Now back on topic, any news about a coach?
  16. Maybe you know something the rest of us need to know. Interference, I must have missed something. Problem was not much effort was put into the coaching search when Martin left. As far as new blood, look across our region at the two most winning teams, Central and Polk. Winning with a Derrick (Central), Davis(Polk), coaching. I would say that is old blood in those schools. Old blood, new blood, it does'nt matter just work hard. Talent isnt any lower than its ever been. We have won with less a less talented group. No they don't compare to the 1995 team so don't even try. As good as the 1995 team was I don't remember anyone signing D1, and certainly not SEC. So were they talented, somewhat, but mostly they were a team that was coached up. The most talented was in the late 70's early 80's. Wilson, Scott, and Moore all signed with UT. 3 kids on the same team that signed SEC. Never happened before at Meigs, never will happen again.
  17. I can guarantee you Baker is concerned or he would have already hired one of the Assts. Personal feelings? not sure what that is about. In my opinion, He is trying to get the best MAN for the job!!! If Mr. Roberts is the same one that was once a coach and then principal, although I have alot of respect for him, Wasnt his first hire the boys basketball coach (Perkinson) nuff said!!!!!! Come on man, we're talking football. Coach T has a basketball forum if thats what concerns you. Personal feelings, maybe I should have said personal interest. I would hope he is trying to get the best man. My point is simple, get someone in place so this group of kids can have a chance. If you have been watching, this hire will make 3 head coaches (FOOTBALL) under Bakers watch. Is he going to get it right this time?
  18. I have been out of town and come home to my collection of DPA. Now I don't believe everything I read in the paper but Bakers interview about our coaching position concerns me. Phrases such as "in no hurry" and "may not have someone in place by spring practice" should be bothersome to our football community. I believe it is vital that he has someone in place by spring practice. " Let Holiday and Harris do spring practice" , maybe they can read the future and see what direction the new coach wants to go. I have a few questions after talking to a few friends about the situation. Is Baker not concerned about next years team? Is he more concerned about the team 2 years from now? Is he letting his personal feelings get in the way? My opinion, yes. Let Mr Roberts do the hiring, he had some excellent coaches under his watch.
  19. Any news. Have interviews started yet? What about spring practice?
  20. I don't know what you saw 15 yrs ago, but he is not the same coach now. If you'd watched him a little closer you'd have seen him mowing the grass during practice, he didn't go in the locker room at halftime, and was very quiet on the sidelines during a game. How many head coaches act like that? 15 years ago, Meigs had the best coaching staff in its history. Martin, Baker, Webb and a younger Eller. I may be wrong but I think Robert Greene coached the middle school team. Not a bad staff!! Also remember that group of kids was the most athletically gifted group that ever played at Meigs. Eller had niether the support staff nor the players he had 15 years ago.
  21. Sorry mr whistle I'm not in the list speculation business. Some of the names you listed, Baker, Martin, Hampton, no way they will ever be back. As for the new names, only the man doing the hiring knows for sure. Howard wanted to come to Meigs early in his career but was rejected. I think that decision will bite Meigs for a long time.
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